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Old 24-06-2011, 12:42   #1
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Default MISSING credibility of the French pedigrees

Basing on the number of "strange" cases in France and the OBVIOUS cheating of the French pedigrees; basing on the number of 100% mixes (mongrels) born in this country. And taking into consideration the fact that the putting AWD in the breed was KNOWN and nothing has been done against it till now - and because the AWD mongrels spred in France more and more that at the moment only VERY FEW French kennels still breed REAL Czechoslovakian Wolfdogs I must ask about the credibility of the French pedigrees.

It seems that the French pedigrees are at the moment only a useless piece of paper which guaranty NOTHING. They do not even keep the the BASIC FCI rules about breeding pedigree dogs.

Till the case will be solved please DO NOT BUY ANY PUPPIES FROM FRANCE from the mentioned kennels or kennel which base on dogs coming from the AWD producers. If you are importing a puppy from France please ask on the forum if the puppy is purebreed because there are MANY known mongrels which are still not marked as "MIXES" in the database but will be listed soon or later (with the remark "DOG NOT FOR BREEDING).

If you like such type of the dogs please contact the American Wolfdog breeders or Saarloos breeders to get a puppy. Believe me - it is much cheaper than the AWD-cross with FCI fake CsW pedigree...
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Old 25-06-2011, 18:17   #2
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Originally Posted by admin View Post
basing on the number of "strange" cases in france and the obvious cheating of the french pedigrees; basing on the number of 100% mixes (mongrels) born in this country. And taking into consideration the fact that the putting awd in the breed was known and nothing has been done against it till now - and because the awd mongrels spred in france more and more that at the moment only very few french kennels still breed real czechoslovakian wolfdogs i must ask about the credibility of the french pedigrees.

it seems that the french pedigrees are at the moment only a useless piece of paper which guaranty nothing. They do not even keep the the basic fci rules about breeding pedigree dogs.

till the case will be solved please do not buy any puppies from france from the mentioned kennels or kennel which base on dogs coming from the awd producers. If you are importing a puppy from france please ask on the forum if the puppy is purebreed because there are many known mongrels which are still not marked as "mixes" in the database but will be listed soon or later (with the remark "dog not for breeding).

If you like such type of the dogs please contact the american wolfdog breeders or saarloos breeders to get a puppy. Believe me - it is much cheaper than the awd-cross with fci fake csw pedigree...
mais pour qui il se prend ???? Pour insulter ainsi tous les eleveurs francais ????

but for who he takes?? To insult and all french farmers??
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Old 25-06-2011, 18:31   #3
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particulier, un clt,venant de France, pere tcheque mere Francaise,c'est le plus beau

comme les votres

en Angleterre,comme en France,il y a du petit peuple,
c'est deplorable,et il est administrateur?? Bravo

Particular, a CzW coming from france with Czech Father and French Mother, like yours.
In England as in France there are "Small people", it's deplorable, and he is Admin?? Bravo!

Last edited by Nebulosa; 25-06-2011 at 22:17. Reason: I tried but this one was hard
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Old 25-06-2011, 18:40   #4
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Admin, words are important. There is in France a lot of clean breeders, with pure CSV lines.

Please let the others French breeders out of your hunt. All beautifull french dogs are not mixed, you know?


@Martial & Fabrice, please moderate your Admin.

P.S. Best regards from France, to every CSV lover, all around the world.
Sans le chien-Loup, l'homme ne serait qu'un animal.
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Old 25-06-2011, 18:45   #5
vero et sa meute
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A la mode anglaise merci reverso je reprends votre post sur le forum anglais histoire de continuer ici aussi (ah désolée je ferais pas d'efforts perso pour cet écrit)

CERTAINLY NOT FOR GOD it would come out ariminium when has you mr the administrator(director) to dare to question chaa' rey charushila of the domain of the black passo del lupo coomb and spood dumbiera, to dare to question delco said hu' nass about the domain of the black coomb which measures has More of 70cm in the withers and the lineage have ca is going to make still some hay all this Mollynière de l' Oscale and passo del lupo and said I opposite and on a boxing ring that my dogs are shit but clearly the tests are very present thus to arreter to take you for the cat's whiskers and to look at what you take(bring) out before saying that eleveurs francais makes some shit ......................... seriousness take(go,bring) out with your dogs go to make a tour(ballot) in bit ca is going to make you think about the fact that has to be a Czech really
:twis ted:

Ps ===== > reassure I you really know the race?????

best regards
le jour ou le loup entrera dans chaque foyer, que l'homme n'en aura plus peur, qu'il le respectera comme son egal et non comme un rival, l'humanité comprendra la nature et la protegera ....."
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Old 25-06-2011, 19:21   #6
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Admin, do you realize what you write? French breeders produce all the shit! Bad breeders or apprentice sorcerers exist in ALL countries! So it's not because you suspect certain breeders, that you have criticize the entire French production! Be careful Admin, your words can cause great harm !!
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Old 27-06-2011, 19:05   #7
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Originally Posted by Jet View Post
Admin, words are important. There is in France a lot of clean breeders, with pure CSV lines.

Please let the others French breeders out of your hunt. All beautifull french dogs are not mixed, you know? .
It is why I wrote
"Till the case will be solved please DO NOT BUY ANY PUPPIES FROM FRANCE from the mentioned kennels or kennel which base on dogs coming from the AWD producers. If you are importing a puppy from France please ask on the forum if the puppy is purebreed because there are MANY known mongrels which are still not marked as "MIXES" in the database but will be listed soon or later (with the remark "DOG NOT FOR BREEDING)."

I suggested (and I suggest) puppy buyers to ask about it (about a will to buy a puppy from France) on a official forum because of the French forum I saw that even the breeders who have dogs which are for 100% AWD-mixed swear that their dogs are purebreed.
So one more time: the pedigree do not guaranty that the puppy comes from the parents which are listed there. And the words of the breeder are useless too - the slogans about DNA test and being sure that the parents are real CsW are nothing worth too.
It is everything about running a good business. They will lie till the end.

Good breeders have no reason to be afraid - by many dogs there are no doubts about their origin.
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Old 25-06-2011, 19:10   #8
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Originally Posted by ArImInIuM View Post
mais pour qui il se prend ???? Pour insulter ainsi tous les eleveurs francais ????

but for who he takes?? To insult and all french farmers??
et bien les eleveurs francais sont des "MERDES" mais demander qu'on achète plus en france pathétique

désolée je traduis pas comme lui je fais pas d'effort

Well, the french breeders are "Shit",but ask people to not buy more French dogs, it's pathetic.
le jour ou le loup entrera dans chaque foyer, que l'homme n'en aura plus peur, qu'il le respectera comme son egal et non comme un rival, l'humanité comprendra la nature et la protegera ....."

Last edited by Nebulosa; 25-06-2011 at 22:20. Reason: If I did it wrong you can contact me in provate to make the corrections
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Old 25-06-2011, 19:45   #9
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Originally Posted by Admin View Post
Basing on the number of "strange" cases in France and the OBVIOUS cheating of the French pedigrees; basing on the number of 100% mixes (mongrels) born in this country. And taking into consideration the fact that the putting AWD in the breed was KNOWN and nothing has been done against it till now - and because the AWD mongrels spred in France more and more that at the moment only VERY FEW French kennels still breed REAL Czechoslovakian Wolfdogs I must ask about the credibility of the French pedigrees.

It seems that the French pedigrees are at the moment only a useless piece of paper which guaranty NOTHING. They do not even keep the the BASIC FCI rules about breeding pedigree dogs.

Till the case will be solved please DO NOT BUY ANY PUPPIES FROM FRANCE from the mentioned kennels or kennel which base on dogs coming from the AWD producers. If you are importing a puppy from France please ask on the forum if the puppy is purebreed because there are MANY known mongrels which are still not marked as "MIXES" in the database but will be listed soon or later (with the remark "DOG NOT FOR BREEDING).

If you like such type of the dogs please contact the American Wolfdog breeders or Saarloos breeders to get a puppy. Believe me - it is much cheaper than the AWD-cross with FCI fake CsW pedigree...
The credibility was lost a looooong time ago and as it is hard to keep 100% track of pure / not pure CsV, me and many many others breeder´s will not buy ore use ANY dogs from France until the situation is solved...

I guess the French CsV club has some work to do and they better start now !!!

The pureness of your Vlcaks has bean questioned, any serious breeder outside of France will not use your dogs / offspring’s, simply because of the risk of that there own breeding of pure breed dogs will come into question...

Before the DNA test´s are made there will not be any way to prove by 100% that the pedigree´s are pure... When Cs Vlcaks start to look and act like AWD, Saarloos or even Husky´s it is kind of obvious that the CsV club of the county must act... So before you blame the Admin, blame the CsV Club of France / the mix breeders

Regards / Mikael
*Hronec, Rasty, Zilja * Kennel, Wolfdog of Sweden* http://kennelwolfdogofsweden.vpsite.se/Home.html

Last edited by Mikael; 25-06-2011 at 20:24.
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Old 26-06-2011, 00:36   #10
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"Definetely, England will remain "forever" as a small island, with people with the spirit so narrow as their country."

But not as narrow in mind as you appear to be judging by that statement.

If you bother to look you will find that the English breeders have had their fair share of criticism on this forum and rightly so, they deserve it. They also get frequent criticism from the English themselves. Now there's a shock eh.(Note sarcasm)

The crap in the UK doesn't excuse the crap in France and remember, it was one of your own suspect French breeders that sent their saarloos and csv mixes to the UK.

There is a saying, "people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones". Something you may wish to remember.

Never argue with idiots.
they drag you down to their level,
then beat you with experience.
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Old 26-06-2011, 11:19   #11
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Originally Posted by Admin View Post

It seems that the French pedigrees are at the moment only a useless piece of paper which guaranty NOTHING. They do not even keep the the BASIC FCI rules about breeding pedigree dogs.

Till the case will be solved please DO NOT BUY ANY PUPPIES FROM FRANCE

Be sure ADMIN that as PROFESIONAL BREEDER, even i am not in your target, here in France, DEFAMATION facts are punished by law.

I must inform you that all words you have written in this way are already registered by usher (because i am so used of WD demating practices)...

... and in case my notoriety is attacked by your acts, you will be punished for that (WD forum... then you admin).

I highly recommend you to take out yours defamating words, and make a DENIAL which will not engaged all French breeders.

Even that, if there is a real problem as you mentioned, be sure breeders which respect the rules would be totally opened to give help to FCI.
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Old 26-06-2011, 12:41   #12
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Originally Posted by Sherdor View Post
Be sure ADMIN that as PROFESIONAL BREEDER, even i am not in your target, here in France, DEFAMATION facts are punished by law.

I must inform you that all words you have written in this way are already registered by usher (because i am so used of WD demating practices)...

... and in case my notoriety is attacked by your acts, you will be punished for that (WD forum... then you admin).

I highly recommend you to take out yours defamating words, and make a DENIAL which will not engaged all French breeders.
Yes, but as it is more a fact that France have ALLOT of false CsV pedigree´s it is kind of useles to try to get the Admin to not talk

Instead it would be nice if you put your energi to try to get the CsV club of France to act on it, to stop the mixbreeding before it is to late...

If you want to act by law, do it in France by report the MIX breeders to do fraud by selling puppy´s whit false FCI pedigree´s...

Best regards / Mikael
*Hronec, Rasty, Zilja * Kennel, Wolfdog of Sweden* http://kennelwolfdogofsweden.vpsite.se/Home.html
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Old 26-06-2011, 12:50   #13
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Originally Posted by Mikael View Post
Yes, but as it is more a fact that France have ALLOT of false CsV pedigree´s it is kind of useles to try to get the Admin to not talk

Instead it would be nice if you put your energi to try to get the CsV club of France to act on it, to stop the mixbreeding before it is to late...

If you want to act by law, do it in France by report the MIX breeders to do fraud by selling puppy´s whit false FCI pedigree´s...

Best regards / Mikael
Intervention et remarques parfaitement stupides et dénués d’intérêt ...

Il ne faut pas, une fois de plus tout mélanger, et voir le problème du petit bout de la lorgnette ...

Il est possible que certains éleveurs soient "coupables" de ce que vous leur reprochez. Cela n'enlève en rien la culpabilité de l'Admin dans ses agissements et ses propos.

Il utilise des méthodes de voyou qui ne sont en rien excusables.

Le fond du problème (mix, pedigrees...) n'est pas ce que je remets en question. Je déteste les dictateurs de tout ordre, les petits chefs qui se sentent pousser des c...... et usent d'un pseudo pouvoir. Et l'admin répond parfaitement à tous ces critères.
Ne laissez pas votre chien en laisse si vous voulez qu'il vous soit attaché.
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Old 26-06-2011, 13:03   #14
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Originally Posted by Diane View Post
Intervention et remarques parfaitement stupides et dénués d’intérêt ...

Il ne faut pas, une fois de plus tout mélanger, et voir le problème du petit bout de la lorgnette ...

Il est possible que certains éleveurs soient "coupables" de ce que vous leur reprochez. Cela n'enlève en rien la culpabilité de l'Admin dans ses agissements et ses propos.

Il utilise des méthodes de voyou qui ne sont en rien excusables.

Le fond du problème (mix, pedigrees...) n'est pas ce que je remets en question. Je déteste les dictateurs de tout ordre, les petits chefs qui se sentent pousser des c...... et usent d'un pseudo pouvoir. Et l'admin répond parfaitement à tous ces critères.
Sorry, I do not speak French and will therefore not replay...

PS, no one here will understand what you try to say and Google translator do not really work that good , DS.
*Hronec, Rasty, Zilja * Kennel, Wolfdog of Sweden* http://kennelwolfdogofsweden.vpsite.se/Home.html
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Old 26-06-2011, 13:18   #15
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Originally Posted by Mikael View Post
Sorry, I do not speak French and will therefore not replay...

PS, no one here will understand what you try to say and Google translator do not really work that good , DS.

Really too easy, indeed

Are french members lazy less than english members ??? Maybe they're are more accodomating, aren't they ??

Punaise c'est fou! Y a un traducteur anglais/français mais les anglophones ne trouvent pas de traducteur français / anglais ... C'est complètement fou cette histoire!
Et après on dira les français méprisants ...
Ne laissez pas votre chien en laisse si vous voulez qu'il vous soit attaché.
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Old 26-06-2011, 15:08   #16
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Originally Posted by Diane View Post
Intervention et remarques parfaitement stupides et dénués d’intérêt ...

Il ne faut pas, une fois de plus tout mélanger, et voir le problème du petit bout de la lorgnette ...

Il est possible que certains éleveurs soient "coupables" de ce que vous leur reprochez. Cela n'enlève en rien la culpabilité de l'Admin dans ses agissements et ses propos.

Il utilise des méthodes de voyou qui ne sont en rien excusables.

Le fond du problème (mix, pedigrees...) n'est pas ce que je remets en question. Je déteste les dictateurs de tout ordre, les petits chefs qui se sentent pousser des c...... et usent d'un pseudo pouvoir. Et l'admin répond parfaitement à tous ces critères.
Sorry, but I'm not Admin and do not write in English on the French forum. That's why I'm not going to respond.

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Old 26-06-2011, 17:45   #17
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Default We are in French forum now ??

Sorry to all French people here - but would you please be so kind posting in

....................English ...............

here ?

This is without any doubt the English ,not the French forum !

I´don´t write it for me because I speak English and French but it´s not very polite to all users who are not able to understand French language.

And this is completely impossible:

Originally posted by Diane :

"Ben vous voyez, votre patois on s'en fiche complet ... Mais si je veux, je suis certaine que je vais trouver un traducteur !

Décidément trop stupide celui-là!! "

Yes, that´s right - if you want YOU find a way to translate your text !
- And YOU have to find because you´re in the English forum here.-

Beside this obviously you did simply not understand the irony of Mikael´s posting.

Décidément trop stupide cette femme!!!
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Old 27-06-2011, 20:10   #18
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Originally Posted by Sherdor View Post
Be sure ADMIN that as PROFESIONAL BREEDER, even i am not in your target, here in France, DEFAMATION facts are punished by law.
The same is with fraud.
If you are going to the shop, if you buy a golden ring and you pay for golden ring. You must get a ring made of gold.
If you go to a breeder and you want to buy a PUREBREED dog and when you pay for a purebreed dog you must get a purebreed dog. If you get a mongrel with pedigree it is a FRAUD!

So start to use a law for cleaning your country (your kennel club) out of the cheaters.
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Old 27-06-2011, 20:28   #19
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End with the speaking about me. Now I have very easy correct question to the French people posting in this topic.

There is no doubt that some French pedigrees are cheated. That some dogs are mixes. so my question to each of you is:


Please write me what have you done beside writing about the bad bad admin...
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