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Галерея Wolfdog
2012.09.03 (DE) Ruppiner Land - 7. Nordostdeutsche Wolfhundetreffen
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Indian Yukon Spirit of the Wolf
Indian Yukon Spirit of the Wolf
Grizzly & Chiwa Spirit of the Wolf
Indian Yukon Spirit of the Wolf
Grand Yukon Spirit of the Wolf
Grando Spirit of the Wolf
Balou & Flame
Indian Naala Spirit of the Wolf
Yelekan z Peronówki FCI
Gero Spirit of the Wolf
Gia Spirit of the Wolf
Indian Naala Spirit of the Wolf
Indian Naala Spirit of the Wolf
Indian Naala Spirit of the Wolf
Indian Naala Spirit of the Wolf
Grando Spirit of the Wolf
Gia & Indian Naala Spirit of th Wolf
Indian Yukon Spirit of the Wolf
Heera Spirit of the Wolf
Chiwa & Grizzly Spirit of the Wolf
Gero Spirit of the Wolf
Grando & Indian Naala & Gia Spirit of the Wolf
Grando & Indian Naala & Gia Spirit of the Wolf
Indian Yukon Spirit of the Wolf
Balou & Flame Spirit of the Wolf
Indian Naala & Grando Spirit of the Wolf
Balu -von den Baaler Wölfen- (MIX: Non-FCI!), Flame Spirit of the Wolf, Onka -vom Böhmerwald- (MIX: Non-FCI!)
Gero Spirit of the Wolf
Chiwa & Grizzly Spirit of the Wolf
Yelekan & Ylva z Peronówki
Yelekan & Ylva z Peronówki
Antoya Grey Diamond & Perseus vom Neckartal
Grando & Indian Naala & Gia Spirit of the Wolf
Indian Yukon Spirit of the Wolf
Heera Spirit of the Wolf
Gia Spirit of the Wolf
Heera Spirit of the Wolf
Colin Grey Diamond
Onka -vom Böhmerwald- (MIX: Non-FCI!)
Heera Spirit of the Wolf
Indian Yukon Spirit of the Wolf
Chiwa & Grizzly
Heera Spirit of the Wolf
Indian Yukon Spirit of the Wolf
Heera Spirit of the Wolf
Eyla Spirit of the Wolf
Perzeus von Neckartal