Support us is a free, non-profit project run by volunteers who care about the future of our beautiful breed, Czechoslovakian Wolfdogs.
Unfortunately, there are many dishonest "breeders" and puppy mills who would very much like the data published by us not to be openly available.
If you want to help us keep the project accessible to everyone and support it, please consider sending us a donation:
BTC (BitCoin): bc1qamychf5th5zlc7fw96276h38zk6jlwr86kzrtk
LTC (LiteCoin): ltc1q2vurt942r7v7728hnel2dmyv30ksv93j02qhuc
DOGE (DogeCoin): DKXjJ4WXpFH14RqTi58oNizyFAgM77TSRg
Donations will only be used to support the costs of the infrastructure.