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Old 22-02-2012, 21:22   #21
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Originally Posted by Alissea View Post
Well it is indeed nice, but I have asked 2 months ago about adding a female from the Czech-Slovak blood. Without foreign dogs in the pedigree (without CW, or PDL Forest Incanto etc). And you do not update nor the result of HD and ED or breeding. Or why you have not updated the results of medical tests certifikátama? Maybe dogs from Arqeva?
PS: The interesting thing is that with Polish dogs have no problem with advertisements and even update is there now, but the way dogs do not update and almost no advertising. I do not understand.
Even though many of us are trying to cooperate, but no response
Sorry for the tulle, I used translator
I see I was sucked into a Polish-Czech war... But I'm not interested in it - you must clear it by yourself. All I can say that your words are not true. I'm the only person who is making updates of the database. And the polish moderator has no influence on it. There was no update of the polish dogs - they must wait as everybody else.
Last update was 04/10/2011 23:12 and it apply to all users.
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Old 22-02-2012, 21:31   #22
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Originally Posted by Admin View Post
All PDL and Foresta incantata Saarlooses (and their offsprings) will be marked in the database and Saarloos Mixes (what they really are).
You do your ass or you're serious? Each child will be PDL MIX? Similarly, you care only about their own puppies to sell and not have competition: D nothing else .. unfortunately
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Old 22-02-2012, 21:33   #23
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Originally Posted by Admin View Post
I see I was sucked into a Polish-Czech war... But I'm not interested in it - you must clear it by yourself. All I can say that your words are not true. I'm the only person who is making updates of the database. And the polish moderator has no influence on it. There was no update of the polish dogs - they must wait as everybody else.
Last update was 04/10/2011 23:12 and it apply to all users.
Poland started the war Polish Czech admin who publicly denigrates Wolfdog not only what they can, which I think is very tragic and sad

Hold will be really better stop sending any information, photos and news, a person will be less upset
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Old 22-02-2012, 21:37   #24
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Originally Posted by Alissea View Post
Poland started the war Polish Czech admin who publicly denigrates Wolfdog not only what they can, which I think is very tragic and sad

Hold will be really better stop sending any information, photos and news, a person will be less upset
What it has to do with Poland? Who was the Polish Czech admin? I do not understand what you mean.
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Old 22-02-2012, 21:44   #25
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Originally Posted by Alissea View Post
You do your ass or you're serious? Each child will be PDL MIX? Similarly, you care only about their own puppies to sell and not have competition: D nothing else .. unfortunately
No, I do not care about their puppies because I know that PDL and Foresta can care for themself and find people who like to have "wolfish" Saarloos even with cheated CsW pedigree. Fighting with them is not a competition but taking care for CsW breeding. And it is surprising that exactly you - a Czech breeder are for promotion of breeding mixes while you should protect your national breed and work done by Hartl. Or at least you should show that you respect the FCI rules which clearly say that pedigree cheating is not allowed and must be punished.

I'm only happy to know that there are still responsible breeders in your country because I know it was exactly Czech Breed Club who banned Mutaras and kicked them out to Italy. So there must be still responsible breeders who care for the breed and not only for selling the puppies.
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Old 22-02-2012, 21:48   #26
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Originally Posted by Alissea View Post
You do your ass or you're serious? Each child will be PDL MIX?
I read it again and I think you have problem with understanding my English. Anyway calm down and read what I wrote:

All PDL and Foresta incantata Saarlooses (and their offsprings) will be marked in the database and Saarloos Mixes (what they really are).

It is not about all PDL dogs!!! Before you attack anybody else - please ask someone for translation. I really can not write it in Czech language. So maybe someone will make translation.
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Old 23-02-2012, 01:18   #27
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Já netvrdím, že se nic neděje a nikde se "nestal problém", ale jestli jeden nebo víc vrhů bylo křížených, pořád to neznamená, že všechny. Z toho důvodu se neptám na články ve fóru, kde se tato problematika řešila, ale DNA testy, které potvrdí kteří psi ze kterého vrhu jsou kříženci a kteří ne a s těmi nakládat jako s kříženci, ale ne s celou chovatelskou stanicí.

Jestli se třeba u CW někdy kolem roku 2004 prokázalo, že některý z vrhů byli kříženci, nutně to neznamená, že kříženci jsou všichni.
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Old 23-02-2012, 09:28   #28
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Originally Posted by Alissea View Post
Kdysi jim nevadilo brát si údaje ze stránek lidí.( včetně výsledků dkk, dlk) Dodnes jim nevadí brát si bez dovolení fotky, nebo fotky svévolně přesouvat kam se jim hodí. Ořezávat copyrighty, měnit rozlišení fotek atd..
U polských psů mají zveřejněny i neofiko výsledky DM z čzu ale jinde to nejde. Proč mám pocit že to tu postavili na hlavu?
A taky , když " jedna paní povídala" , a hodilo se to " do krámu" , bylo to tam okamžitě taky.

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Old 23-02-2012, 09:36   #29
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Originally Posted by Alissea View Post
So my dog is a hybrid course? Are you kidding me or you're serious? and your head is in order? Yes, the female has a grandfather and on the PDL? So it's bad now? Just to be a descendant of Mutare? Wow, this is the peak of stupidity
Tak když půjdem do detajlů. Co takhle podívat se na datum narození Induka ( 15.1.2004) a narození potomků Mutar ( 2006) ? Takže žádám o omluvu mé feně a jejím potomkům !!!!
PS : All PDL (and their offsprings ) rozumím všechny!!!! Takže tu omluvu !!


Last edited by RadeKKK; 23-02-2012 at 10:13.
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Old 23-02-2012, 09:41   #30
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All PDL and Foresta incantata Saarlooses (and their offsprings) will be marked in the database and Saarloos Mixes (what they really are).

Od kdy májí Fabio a Andrea Saarloose? Co je to za blbost?

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Old 23-02-2012, 09:59   #31
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tohle nejsou kopie DNA testů. Pokud já musím doložit svá vyšetření kopii, chci taky od admina kopii DNA testů kříženců. Rozdíl je v tom , že já nemám problém doložit svá oficielní vyšetření psů , admin má problém mi je u psů zveřejnit.
A dále má problém zveřejnit testy těch psů , na které poukazuje.

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Old 23-02-2012, 10:05   #32
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All PDL and Foresta incantata Saarlooses (and their offsprings) will be marked in the database and Saarloos Mixes (what they really are).

Chápete vůbec rozdíl mezi Saarloosem a a F1 generací ch.s. Mutara?
Foresta incantata zapsala svojí F2 do registru , ne jako ČSV, tak co jí tady očerňujete?

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Old 23-02-2012, 10:07   #33
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Originally Posted by Admin View Post
I see I was sucked into a Polish-Czech war... But I'm not interested in it - you must clear it by yourself. All I can say that your words are not true. I'm the only person who is making updates of the database. And the polish moderator has no influence on it. There was no update of the polish dogs - they must wait as everybody else.
Last update was 04/10/2011 23:12 and it apply to all users.
Neplatí pro všechny . Pro mě zrovna ne. O aktualizaci jsem žádala průběžně od ledna 2011!!!! a do teď tam není. Nemám uvedeny šampionáty, zkoušky, certifikáty dm, dw,


Last edited by RadeKKK; 23-02-2012 at 11:25.
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Old 23-02-2012, 11:40   #34
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Prosím, abyste tu psali česky, takhle mnoho čechů vůbec neví o co jde. Jste na české verzi (jak jsme my češi často naopak upozorňováni na anglické a jiných verzích)......
Už teď se mnoho lidí rozhodlo, že už WD nebudou podporovat a plnit databázi svými údaji o odchovech. Můžete si za to svými pomluvami a spekulacemi sami.
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Old 23-02-2012, 12:30   #35
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Originally Posted by RadeKKK View Post
Tak když půjdem do detajlů. Co takhle podívat se na datum narození Induka ( 15.1.2004) a narození potomků Mutar ( 2006) ? Takže žádám o omluvu mé feně a jejím potomkům !!!!
PS : All PDL (and their offsprings ) rozumím všechny!!!! Takže tu omluvu !!
Taky beru All PDL jako překlad všechny PDL
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Old 23-02-2012, 12:35   #36
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Originally Posted by Admin View Post

All PDL and Foresta incantata Saarlooses (and their offsprings) will be marked in the database and Saarloos Mixes (what they really are).

It is not about all PDL dogs!!! Before you attack anybody else - please ask someone for translation. I really can not write it in Czech language. So maybe someone will make translation.
So I translated it as my colleague speaks English fluently and understand it anyway

překlad ala jsem blbec
All - znaměná všechno
and their offsprings - jejich potomci
will be marked - bude označen
in database - v databázi
and saarlos mixes - saarlosův mix
what they really are - což skutečně jsou

So what that me translated????

Last edited by sdivokoukrvi; 23-02-2012 at 12:37.
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Old 23-02-2012, 12:51   #37
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Originally Posted by Alissea View Post
Taky beru All PDL jako překlad všechny PDL
Nejspíš to mělo znamenat: "Všichni 'Saarlosi' z chovatelských stanic PDL a Foresta Incantata budou označeni...."
Poznámka překladatele-jako moje :za Saarlose se tady rozumí potomci Mutar, jelikož vznikli, stejně jako Saarlos z Kanadské vlčice, nikoliv Karpatské.

Last edited by Jana_Schubertova; 23-02-2012 at 13:00.
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Old 23-02-2012, 13:00   #38
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Originally Posted by Jana_Schubertova View Post
Nejspíš to mělo znamenat: "Všichni 'Saarlosi' z chovatelských stanic PDL a Foresta Incantata budou označeni...."
Poznámka překladatele-jako moje :za Saarlose se tady rozumí potomci Mutar, jelikož vznikli, stejně jako Saarlos z Kanadské vlčice, nikoliv Karpatské!
děkuji t akže snad opavdu došlo jen k překladatelkému šumu a tím pádem bych se za svůj omyl i omluvila, stím problém nemám Ono mě by už totiž tady nepřekvapilo, kdyby to hodili všechno do jednoho pytle
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