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Old 15-08-2011, 21:04   #1
Sir Allen
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Default L.A. County CA - Wolfdogs at the Park

I met a wonderful couple and their wolfdog yesterday at a dog park near my place. I was so happy because it's the first that I've seen a WD in the "flesh"."-). Again, many thanks to Jing and Yoshi. i hope to see you again.......soon!!
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Old 15-08-2011, 21:47   #2
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It was nice to meet you too.

I would put some photos you took but seems like I'm having problems doing it either by attachment or by inserting images.. it keeps saying I'm over my word limit. So I'll just link some here.

Our 8.5mth old with Allen.



Lex in front, another Vlcak we met up with at the park.


Lastly, Lex being hopped on. http://i71.photobucket.com/albums/i1..._3826167_o.jpg

It was a fun meet up.. maybe soon we'll have three Vlcaks?

Last edited by yukidomari; 15-08-2011 at 21:57.
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Old 15-08-2011, 22:26   #3
Sir Allen
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Hopefully. Keeping my fingers crossed Jing.






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Last edited by Sir Allen; 15-08-2011 at 22:41.
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Old 15-08-2011, 23:13   #4
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I really like the photo of the chihuahua (mix?), looking like it thinks it might somehow be in charge of Ghost. And Ghost, with the expression like "Um, really?"

So, did you find that the two dogs seemed to recognize that they were the same breed (interact more exclusively with eachother than other dogs at the park)? I have noticed (even with my own dogs, in my own pack), that my CSVs seem to be able to pick eachother out, and will often just ignore dogs of other breeds - like a CSV only club! But maybe it's only a fluke...
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Old 15-08-2011, 23:19   #5
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Originally Posted by GalomyOak View Post
I really like the photo of the chihuahua (mix?), looking like it thinks it might somehow be in charge of Ghost. And Ghost, with the expression like "Um, really?"

So, did you find that the two dogs seemed to recognize that they were the same breed (interact more exclusively with eachother than other dogs at the park)? I have noticed (even with my own dogs, in my own pack), that my CSVs seem to be able to pick eachother out, and will often just ignore dogs of other breeds - like a CSV only club! But maybe it's only a fluke...
our pup lives with two little bitches under 10lbs.., he knows they aren't anything to be messed with...

Ron, Lex's owner, wondered the same thing whether they recognized each other as a breed. I'm not sure myself if they did or didn't but they did find that being annoying to one another was more tolerated than with other dogs. Things like jumping on one another, rolling, tripping, etc didn't get bad responses out of either of the dogs.
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Old 15-08-2011, 23:37   #6
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Originally Posted by yukidomari View Post
Things like jumping on one another, rolling, tripping, etc didn't get bad responses out of either of the dogs.
That's it, exactly! I get a quiet chuckle when people come to meet my dogs and bring their "energetic dog who would love another energetic dog as a companion" along to meet and greet. I don't know that other breeds are necessarily ready for the CSV in the way that their owners are expecting! Kind of like dropping off an 8 year old energetic child into a professional rugby match!
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Old 16-08-2011, 06:15   #7
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Hi Allen. So it is your "christening by wolfdog"
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Old 16-08-2011, 07:48   #8
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Originally Posted by Sir Allen View Post
I met a wonderful couple and their wolfdog yesterday at a dog park near my place. I was so happy because it's the first that I've seen a WD in the "flesh"."-). Again, many thanks to Jing and Yoshi. i hope to see you again.......soon!!
I am so glad it finally happened
And yes, wolfdogs seem to recognize their relatives - even when they see (feel?) them from very far places

Ghost "face" expression is so funny - dark coat and light eyes allways makes them look a bit scary, so the name suits a lot
Walkiria Girios dvasia

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Old 16-08-2011, 15:57   #9
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Yes, and am really very thankful to ALL OF YOU for helping me out to learn more about the "cousins" of my CZ PS German Shepherds.

Finally met and experienced the other half of the "1955" breeding/experiment. Thanks for the "encouragement" to ASK.
Hi to Bruk!!!

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you"Luke 11:9-10

To Grace and Chasa,
Good Health and Good Luck.
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Old 22-08-2011, 23:41   #10
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Sincerely, I noticed that Spettro has two completely different behaviours when it comes to dogs.

Now that he's almost 11 months old, he's starting his asshole behaviour towards other dogs. He likes to imitate the Metro Golding Mayer lion -____-'.

Sometimes he would notice that he's bullying a girl and resume the playing, or a male is particularly nice and they play.

BUT when he sees a Vlcak... he starts to whine and cry! And he MUST go to him/her. We were in Stargard with God of War and his friends with Sheytan z Peronòwki: Sheytan is 13 months old. At first they argued a little, then decided that playing was far more interesting XD... He uses all his strength with Vlcaks while he is more delicate (as delicate as a Vlcak can be -____-') with other breeds.
Enid Black, Gianni, Spettro and Kira

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Old 23-08-2011, 08:52   #11
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Interesting idea, and one I have wondered as well, if CsV's KNOW another one when they see one. Flint, my 6 (almost 7!) year old CsV has worn out every German Shepherd, Akita, Newfoundland, Great Dane, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Karelian Bear Dog, McNab, Australian Shepherd and Labrador he has met. I would LOVE for him to meet up with a pack of other CsV's and let them play in their own style to their hearts content,

I wonder what a completely worn out wolfdog is like??
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Old 23-08-2011, 13:23   #12
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I wonder, if you people did not know before taking a csw that these animals play always like other animals fight? And don´t you know that when they do mature they do not like to play with other dogs? Even with csw they will start to fight. Only female and male and male and female will go - but not always.

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Old 23-08-2011, 18:19   #13
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Originally Posted by hanninadina View Post
I wonder, if you people did not know before taking a csw that these animals play always like other animals fight? And don´t you know that when they do mature they do not like to play with other dogs? Even with csw they will start to fight. Only female and male and male and female will go - but not always.

How can you make this generalization? I was aware of the tendency to SSA but that doesn't mean that it's applicable to each and every dog or bitch. Mine's is still a puppy, of course, but I did see some other full grown mature intact Vlcaks playing with not only other Vlcaks of the same sex but also other dogs big and small.....................

And really, what has this to do with the topic in which there are Vlcaks obviously playing together with other dogs? As one of 'those people', I'm really curious what your post is trying to suggest or inform anyone about.

Last edited by yukidomari; 23-08-2011 at 18:40.
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Old 23-08-2011, 18:57   #14
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It is very simple, the experience with over 500 of these dogs and visiting some of the wolfdog camps and watching the interaction between them.

And it is total understandable when following the reason why they were bred.

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Old 23-08-2011, 19:01   #15
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Originally Posted by hanninadina View Post
It is very simple, the experience with over 500 of these dogs and visiting some of the wolfdog camps and watching the interaction between them.

And it is total understandable when following the reason why they were bred.

Isn't the reason they were bred, was for military work? And not dog fighting..

Anyway, what does it have to do with the topic at hand, still?
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Old 23-08-2011, 19:10   #16
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@Yuko???? You people wrote about that the csw are playing more rough than other dog breeds and play better between each other. So I wanted to explain you what will go on, when these dogs will be adult. Here in Europe everybody knows that these dogs do not fit in doggie parks...

Don´t you know that these dogs were for patroling the border between the two fences which existed during the cold war? If a member of an east country wanted to escape these dogs were used to get these people. What do you think they did with them when they got them? This kind of character is in lots of them still visible. They go in front - attacking. And there is no matter if people or dogs. That is what for they were selected - once upon a time ...
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Old 23-08-2011, 19:17   #17
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Originally Posted by hanninadina View Post
@Yuko???? You people wrote about that the csw are playing more rough than other dog breeds and play better between each other. So I wanted to explain you what will go on, when these dogs will be adult. Here in Europe everybody knows that these dogs do not fit in doggie parks...

Don´t you know that these dogs were for patroling the border between the two fences which existed during the cold war? If a member of an east country wanted to escape these dogs were used to get these people. What do you think they did with them when they got them? This kind of character is in lots of them still visible. They go in front - attacking. And there is no matter if people or dogs. That is what for they were selected - once upon a time ...

Oh, I guess we're misinterpreting each other. Of course they play rough with one another. And this is not a problem to me or anyone I think who posted here.. or any of the dogs at the dog park. It was just an observation not a criticism or a question of why they do.

HA isn't exactly the same as DA, or even correlated, and not the same as SSA.. and I don't find HA to be necessary in doing patrol work, but that's just my opinion. But I do understand that you're saying now.

Who knows what will happen when my puppy grows up, but at least IF and until he starts to 'not fit' at the dog park, there's certainly no harm in taking him!

Last edited by yukidomari; 23-08-2011 at 19:20.
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