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Old 04-02-2008, 23:46   #21
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Originally Posted by nicholas View Post
O, let's suppose that i agree with you. Give me an idea as to how am i supposed to deal with such an issue. I am open to ideas

I think you have much more problems with the idea ,that your dog has to live without sex.
Than your dog have
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Old 05-02-2008, 02:24   #22
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I am curious how you can be so concerned with how Tristan "feels" because of his urges, but how you can have no concern for the health and wellbeing of his potential progeny should you breed him only to alleviate his sexual urges. Without hip dysplasia results, how could you ensure the puppies would have the best possible chance of not suffering from painful joint problems? Results are no guarantee, but it is obviously cruel, and a bad decision to breed with a dog that has bad results. And what about temperment issues? If you yourself are having behavioral problems with your own puppy that you are unable to 100% manage, how could you be helpful to the people that you "give" the puppies to if they have the same problems? What would happen to the puppies if the new owners decided that they were too much to handle - shelters, or worse, euthanasia? As you know for sure by now, CsVs have very unique needs and traits than other breeds- our dog's breeder has been wonderful in answering our questions, and helping us to help our puppy adjust to her new family. Could you sleep comfortably at night knowing a portion of the CsVs in your country lived lives in pain or in animal shelters because of your desire to give your dog a sex life? I hope not...
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Old 05-02-2008, 09:42   #23
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Let's for a while leave the moral issues... I see from the above conversation it's like trying to explain to a two-year- old that he mustn’t play with a knife... (Sorry Nicolas, but that's how it appears to me)

But try to be more far-sighted: CSV females are on heat just roughly once a year and the dog is interested in them for a few days only. So how frequently do you want to satisfy your dog's needs? Just once a year? Wouldn't this be too seldom?

I don't suppose you're the sort of person who would keep travelling all round Europe to make your dog happy or that many CSV females owners would like to play your game. What then? Buy CSV females from puppy-mills to start a harem for Tristan? This wouldn't help either because very soon the females would either be on heat at the same time of the year, or only one of them would be on heat like it happens in a pack of wolves.

I remember how much everybody here tried to help you when Tristan was little and you were having problems with him. I suppose you should trust people who wish you well, offered you their time and care and know a lot both about the breed and problems connected with it. If they say you might have serious behavioural problems with Tristan after the mating (especially when he's too young) they know what they’re writing about. Why not listen to their advice? Why not learn first and act later?

Besides, remember that physiology of a dog is not the same as the physiology of a man. Don't humanize Tristan, however much you love him.
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Old 05-02-2008, 11:34   #24
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Originally Posted by nicholas View Post
O, let's suppose that i agree with you. Give me an idea as to how am i supposed to deal with such an issue. I am open to ideas
What kind of "issue" do you mean?
Walkiria Girios dvasia

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Old 05-02-2008, 18:56   #25
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Dear all,

Please forgive my ignorance. I had no idea about the mating of wolfdogs and i had obviously the wrong impression with regards to Tristan's needs. However please note that not everybody in this forum is an expert hence i think there was no need for you to start attacking me. For example Rona said exactly what all of you were saying in a far mopre polite manner.

I now have the complete picture and i understood my mistake.

Thank you all for your help.

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Old 05-02-2008, 21:07   #26
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Nicholas, you don't need to be a breeder for use your male as stud, often the stud owners aren't breeder but common people, you only need see if your dog is able to be a stud dog or not, if all right, the owners of the females will contact you interested in mate
If you're interested in make your dog a stud, why not start showing he in dogshows? Only for fun, in dogshows you meet some people who love dogs, you show your dog and some possible future CzW breeder in greece can see that you have a beautiful male and be interested in use him, you can learn a lot about dogs and change information with people (normally breeders, owners and handlers) that are in the dogshow, as they can help you in find a good professional for train your dog solving the bite problem and also for help you to teach your dog and prepare him for pass at least one working exam.
When he have 18 months, go to one vet officially able to make the Displasy X-rays of elbows and hips, I guess the kennel club can help you to find the nearer "official" vet for you have these exams done.
If everything be all right, if he don't have problems in elbows or hips, if he pass some working tests (proving he have good character), then you will have a stud dog.
That isn't easy, but can be a wonderful experience for a dog owner.

Last edited by Nebulosa; 05-11-2013 at 22:46. Reason: correcting grammar.
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Old 05-11-2013, 18:05   #27
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