I just advice you to read the FrP program, and the main ideals of our political party. So you can read about freedom for the individual as long as it doesnt hamper other individuals freedom. So it will be like in USA harder punishment if someone dont take care of their dog so the dog bites someone but allowance to keep whatever dog you just like as long as you take care of the dog and keep it away from harming other individuals. This is the capitalist law and the one FrP follow too. Its the socialists who forbid things (ofc. they cant forbid import of dangerous muslims those are cool and socialists love them since AL Qaida fight against the big bad USA) and capitalists who allow things....everything from dogs to vodka for normal price.
I know much about the law in Norway and therefore I also know about "small laws" who are never kept like the one about drinking in public etc. or maybe they are kept in Oslo centrum but not in smaller cities. The same goes for the dogs no one would even /carezor about my dog......