Navarre, while I appreciate your advice, I must also react.
Originally Posted by Navarre
1) You must choose a date that is good for everybody, judges too.
Well, we knew that. But we can´t change the fact, that the judges simply are not available or not willing to come.
Originally Posted by Navarre
2) We' ve got about 20-25 italian memeber of KCSV, so if there are enough member of Czech (or slovakian) club in a country, the czech club could (and should) organize a bonitace in that country with his judges.
I don´t really understand this.

In all cases, and it is last time I say this, because I don´t want to repeat myself all the time, the Czech club was asked for help, and they did not respond, neither cared.
The only club who offered help was the Slovak club, however, in the end there was no Slovak judge available to come.
Originally Posted by Navarre
3) of course you should pay travel & lodging for judges
That goes without saying. It is our second bonitation, we know this.
Originally Posted by Navarre
4) again : I'm nothing against mr. Jedlicka, I think he was a very good judge too, but some of his friends aren't good people at all.
Friends of Mr.Jedlicka have nothing to do with our bonitation. What matters to us is that he is good judge. We are not forcing anyone to come to the bonitation, if they disagree with the judge chosen.
Originally Posted by Navarre
5) As you can see italian bonitace made by this judge (and other judges) in the "italian way" are not visible anymore on this website, simply because they are'nt "bonitace", but are somthing different (but with the same codes).
What is published or not on this site, has no official value. Let´s remember this is a private website of Pavel, Przemek and Margo, and if they decide to post results of green snowmen with bonitation code, it will be perfectly within their rights.
What matters to us are official organisations, official judges and FCI rules.
Originally Posted by Navarre
You must be sure he will apply the latest rules for bonitace.
That´s the point. And who says he would not, or could not?
Originally Posted by Navarre
6) Anyway, goodluck 
Thank you. We will need it.