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Wolves and wolfdogs All about animals similar to CzW... Information about other Wolfdogs: Saarloos Wolfhound, Lupo Italiano...

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Old 28-10-2012, 13:44   #1
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Default Tamaskan CsW crossing

2 years ago Marcy did start a topic about CSV mixes in US: http://www.wolfdog.org/forum/showthr...light=tamaskan

Here some quotes from that topic:

Originally Posted by miran View Post
........ I have all three. A saarloos , a CWS and a Tamaskan. I find it unethical to crossbreed this breeds.
It is the difference in behavior that we want in the Tamaskan and you can only reach that if you only use 100% dog. I love real wolfdogs like the CWS and the saarloos but there are peoples that can not handle the behavior and that's why there is the Tamaskan.

It is a big shame that breeders(not real tamaskan breeders) will use a story and try to really crossbreed them with CWS because they do not know what they create, just for the use of selling there litter better. They can not use the standard of a Tamaskan if they use another breed because the easy behavior of the dog will be gone. Just like any CWS,Saarloos and real Tamaskan owner is that where we all fighting against.
So please any CWS or Saarloos owner please please please never let one of your dogs been used for this unethical practise

Originally Posted by blufawn View Post
Hi, I am the secretary of the Tamaskan Dog Register
I think some people have the wrong idea about the Tamaskan so I thought I would post to explain our breed.
The Tamaskan Dog has no wolf content, we like the Czech wolfdogs and we have a few Tamaskan owners who have Czech wolfdogs too and they notice the differences, our two breeds are nothing alike and that is ok.
We do not wish to add any Czech Wolfdog to our breed as we do not want to alter our temprement or change our type. …..
Jennie Peacock
But today I did read on FB the TDR did approve a mix with a CsW: https://www.facebook.com/groups/398112493554209/
Vriendelijke groeten,

PS: I am not a moderator anymore!!
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