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Tamaskan CsW crossing
2 years ago Marcy did start a topic about CSV mixes in US: http://www.wolfdog.org/forum/showthr...light=tamaskan
Here some quotes from that topic: Quote:
Tamaskan CsW crossing
2 years ago Marcy did start a topic about CSV mixes in US: http://www.wolfdog.org/forum/showthr...light=tamaskan
Here some quotes from that topic: Quote:
this is not joke? who about this say a FCI in Holland?
she planed mate kaylee with others male in 2013 years. very interesing who say a breeder. p.s. IF this animals group need a CSv - can used male - why mas CSV female born mix? |
Zum kotzen :motz !!!
Broodfokker :evil: !!!
and yes - this is true. This litter mas born in next year. if want moore info - quest a breeder :evil:
I am no longer with the TDR for quit some time now.
But no matter how I am thinking maybe the best is ask the people them self why they made the decision....... No matter how I think one thing I did learned over the last couple of years : You can all wright about things and have your opinion but you can never reed the personal book of someone else unless you ask to read a chapter ;) I myself am part now of a Aatu tamaskan group that is also for outcross. I was against it for the temperament reason yes but they also have there arguments why they are pro. When talking without pointing and judging you can come to a point you do not have to agree but understand. I do not know the arguments the TDR had but if they had the same as the TBA does I can understand it.....and that is why I say maybe start reading on the tamaskan forum or ask them |
OK, but mix breeders will be removed from listing on wolfdog.org, at least.
And members of clubs with code of ethics that ban breed mixees should make sure not to associate or sell to, people who condone or participate in the breeding of crosses for public sale. |
"Outcross litter planned in the Netherlands – early 2013
Kaylee, my 4 year old female Czechoslovakian Wolfdog, is planned to be mated to Tamaskan male Maguyuk. She is expected to be in season between now and December. This will be her first litter. ... This mating has been approved by the TDR committee and my kennel, van ‘t Aelse Sluske, has been registered with the TDR. Kaylee is great with people of all ages and also gets along well with male dogs. However like most Czechoslovakian Wolfdogs she doesn’t like dogs from the same gender. Health results Moonlight Kaylee van Goverwelle (Kaylee): FCI A, DM Carrier, Dwarfism Clear. Blustag Red Rum (Maguyuk): FCI A, ED Clear, DM Clear, Dwarfism Clear, Eyes Clear. Kaylee will add some new blood to the Tamaskan breed. This will also be Maguyuk his first litter, his parents are Tumanra and Banjo, and he was chosen primarily because of his bloodlines. Hopefully this combination will produce some nice puppy’s with good temperaments and health. If anyone is interested in a puppy from this mating then you can contact me: XXXX " This is placed at the fb-page of the National Tamaskan Club of America. ----- Can't believe people are involved or want to be involved in this kind of horrible practices. :cry: |
It is amazing to see and hear that Kaylee van Goverwelle, as a puppy sold to Stephanie Korthout of the kennel van 't Aelse Sluske, will be used for this kind of mixes. We are very sad about this and will have nothing to do with this. Letty and Koos de Graaff Kennel van Goverwelle |
What are the legal consequences of such (mis)behaviour in the Netherlands?
Will the breeder be able to remain a member of the CSV Breed Club and National (FCI affiliated) Kennel Club after such mix pups are born? |
@Rona: I really don’t know yet at this moment! :cry::shocked
Also the board of the Dutch club was today shocked about the news of this planned CsW mix crossing of a Dutch breeder. The club also confirms that kennel van Goverwelle have nothing to do with this! It is very sad kennel van 't Aelse Sluske also harms the name of kennel van Goverwelle with using a female of them for this mix (instead of using a CsW of the breeding line of her own). |
Advertising so blatently that you are planning to do this is shocking! :cry:
I wonder if it would be possible to petition the FCI to bring in a ruling whereby any kennel proven to crossbreed is 'struck off' permanently? It needs to be FCI wide, not dependant on individual country breed clubs. |
Shame on the breeder! But the FCI can stop this, no? They are breeding mixes and this is against the FCI rules...
Not so shocking when you know the breeder.. ;) |
Sorry I dont see the issue.
A new breed in the making with open stud books needs new blood. They SHOULD use dogs with a known history. So health and temperament is easier to predict. How do you think the CzW came about? Careful crossbreeding. |
No early hybrids in PS kennel in former Czechlovakia were let into private hands. Early experiments to let the CSVs live in private homes occured after a few generations of careful selection. Here the litter is advertised as any other. :twisted: How can you be so naive as to speak about new breed creation? :lol: BTW Where are Stephanie's diplomas in genetic studies or veterinary or biology? Where is the team of people ready do train and test the pups, to make selection decisions and neuter the pups that do not meet the expectations? How much experience does Stephanie have in dog training or breeding? How many healthy, typical pups has she bred? Where are the exam results of her dogs and dogs carrying her kennel name? And last, but not least: has Slovakian Kennel Club, the guardian of the breed, agreed to use a pure CSV in such "experiment"? I'm not sure what the legal situation in the Nethereland is, but in Poland such kennel would be banned from the FCI National Kennel Club, the female used for unethical breeding would legally become a mongrel i.e. could not participate in dog shows, or be bred on in the future - i.e. her litters would not be registered. What's more - the female could never be re-registered in another FCI affiliated KC member's name in the future. In other words - even if the "experiment" failed, the breeder would lose forever a nice female for honest, ethical breeding. Very risky enterprise!:? Not to mention that she would lose trust and credibility of decent and honest CSV breeders all over the world, which is really hard to be regained. |
So what your saying is any breed that wasnt created by someone who is a scientist should not exist?
Im not saying that these things shouldnt be entered with extreme care. I think there is a huge amount of work that should be done before mating etc. Perhaps you dont realise how common this is? New breeds are created all the time. I would rather have imput into what is happening, help guide the individual to the best options rather than see them sneak behind my back and use the worst combination and then quit half way through and leave a trail of cross breeds. Secondly you realise that CzWs while being a fantastic example of how to go about creating a breed is still seen as "new" and more of a fad and designer dog by some in the dog community. That others think CzW breeders are "amateur". I bet people just love hearing that. Bet it makes light of all the hard work that has gone into this wonderful breed. Im sure its quite far from the truth. Untill I hear from this person in question myself I would not go around labelling them as anything. Again I would rather steer them in the right direction which you wont get the chance to do if you come across as aggressive. They may lose registry to start with but would they not then later be registered as a foundation bitch/dog? One more time I think you will not stop this happening. All breeds see it. The question is how will you as a community handle this? By insulting another breed? By throwing a tantrum? Or by sharing some of your wisdom? Whether you like the breed or not they are trying to create it and from what I understand they have used CzWs before. |
Also I think you are wrong that no early hybrids made their way into private hands, but I cant prove it at this time.
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