2014-04-13 - 5. Internationale Rassehundeausstellung - Chemitz

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Keurmeester:Jochen Eberhard (DE)
Show datum:13/04/2014
Submitted by:engel63
Submitted on:15/04/2014
Puppy (6-9 maanden)
 1. Awaschuka Wolf of Mystikaveel belovend
Middle class
 1. Budulínek z Molu Es (_?)uitmuntendBIS, BOB, BOD (Best Dog of the Day), BOG, Beste Reu, CAC, CACIB, VDH-ChA
Puppy (6-9 maanden)
 1. Atari-Willow Wolf of Mystikaveel belovend
Middle class
 . Ghabi Srdcerváčdisqualification