2022-07-24 - 12. Internationale Rassehundeausstellung - Chemnitz

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Judge:Otakar Vondrouš (CZ)
Show date:24/07/2022
Submitted by:23011086
Submitted on:24/07/2022
Open class
 1. Bakari Wolf of MystikaexcellentBOS, CAC, CACIB, VDH-ChA
Veteran class
 1. Anuk Atius TirawaexcellentVDH-ChA
Middle class
 1. Miracle z Molu Es (_?)excellentBOB, CAC, CACIB, VDH-ChA
 2. Davina Noraya von Isegrims Erbenexcellentres. VDH-ChA
 3. Ceres Wolf of Mystikaexcellent
Working class
 1. Cosma Aliona von Isegrims ErbenexcellentVDH-ChA, res. CACIB
Champion class
 1. Avaya Valentina von Isegrims ErbenexcellentVDH-ChA
Veteran class
 1. Atari-Willow Wolf of MystikaexcellentBest Veteran, VDH-ChA