2022-06-23 - Exposición Internacional Canina 'RSCE Winner' - Madrid

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Judge:Massimo Inzoli (IT)
Show date:23/06/2022
Submitted by:23011086
Submitted on:23/06/2022
Puppy (6-9 months)
 . Yousef Salto del Lupopromissing
Youth class (9-18 months)
 1. Wonder of Art (MIX: Saarloos! Mutara?) Smile'y For LifeexcellentBest Junior, Youth Winner
Middle class
 1. Cappuccetto Rosso e (MIX: Mutara?) HermèsexcellentCAC
 . Wolf de Loyre de Aralla (MIX: Saarloos!)very good
Open class
 1. Cappuccetto Rosso e (MIX: Mutara?) HollywoodexcellentCAC, res. CACIB
 2. Amadeus -la Potenza del Lupo- (MIX: Mutara?)excellentres. CAC
 3. G'Ragnar Alba del Lupo (MIX: Mutara?)excellent
 4. Griffin -the Wolf-Alaskan House- (MIX: REG! Saarloos!)very good
Champion class
 1. -Akeom- (MIX: Mutara?) BlueAkeom Big BossexcellentBOB, Best Male, CAC, CACIB
 2. Wonder of Art (MIX: Saarloos! Mutara?) Ollivanderexcellentres. CAC
 . Ianek Srdcerváč (MIX: AWD? Mutara?)excellent
Puppy (6-9 months)
 1. Lobos de Sierra Morena Aizavery promissingBest Puppy
 2. Lobos de Sierra Morena Ainsavery promissing
Middle class
 1. Urals Wolf (MIX: AWD! Saarloos? Mutara?) Alpine AurumexcellentCAC
 2. Arimminum Queen of Heartsexcellentres. CAC
 3. Pankaj Zana Girios dvasiaexcellent
 4. Cappuccetto Rosso e (MIX: Mutara?) Himalayaexcellent
 . Nanà Ezechielelupoexcellent
Open class
 1. Butterfly Lupus Belliatus (_?)excellentBest Female, CAC, CACIB
 2. Wonder of Art (MIX: Saarloos! Mutara?) Redwolfexcellentres. CAC
 3. Hippie Babe de Campos y Lobosexcellent
Working class
 1. Siena Malý BysterecexcellentCAC, res. CACIB
Champion class
 1. Jasna DakmatexcellentCAC
Veteran class
 1. Żweruna z Peronówki FCIexcellentBest Veteran