2022-04-09 - Esposizione Internazionale Canina 'Garda Winner' - Montichiari

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Judge:John Vullo (IT)
Show date:09/04/2022
Submitted by:23011086
Submitted on:27/04/2022
Open class
 1. Arimminum (_?) Zar ArtùexcellentBOS, Best Male, CAC, CACIB
Working class
 1. King of the Mountain Ezechielelupoexcellent
Youth class (9-18 months)
 1. Ursa Major Salto del LupoexcellentBest Junior, Youth Winner
Working class
 1. Musa Ezechielelupo (MIX: Saarloos?)excellentBOB, Best Female, CAC, CACIB