2021-12-19 - Raduno del CLC - Cantalupo Ligure

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Judge:Simona Coriddi (IT)
Show date:19/12/2021
Submitted by:23011086
Submitted on:20/12/2021
Puppy (6-9 months)
 1. Svet Cikavac du Domaine de la Combe Noire (MIX: REG! Saarloos?)very promissingBest Puppy
Open class
 1. Vlknijus Wolf Lupi di Montemorello (MIX: Mutara?)excellentCAC
 2. As Jack O'Latern Wolf Lupi di Montemorello (MIX: Mutara?)excellentres. CAC
 3. Pramalai Kallar du Domaine de la Combe Noire (MIX: REG! Saarloos?)excellent
 4. King of the Mountain Ezechielelupoexcellent
 . Clam Athos Cynar -priv. Civano- (MIX: Mutara?)very good
Working class
 1. Leon EzechielelupoexcellentCAC
 2. Drogon the Black Diamond dalla Promenade (MIX: Saarloos? Mutara?)excellentres. CAC
Champion class
 1. Camaro lo Spirito del LupoexcellentBOB
 2. Buran -Lupi della Murgia- (MIX: Mutara?)excellent
Youth class (9-18 months)
 1. Ursa Major Salto del LupoexcellentBOS, Best Junior, Youth Winner
 2. Arimminum (_?) Everestexcellentres. Youth Winner
Open class
 1. Phoenix Passo del Lupo (MIX: Mutara?)excellentCAC
 2. Moonlight Shadow Salto del Lupoexcellentres. CAC
 3. Arya Lupus Aurea (MIX: Mutara?)very good
Working class
 1. Kartika EzechielelupoexcellentCAC
Champion class
 1. Pawnee Lupi Si Nasceexcellent
 2. Khaleesi Lupi Si Nasceexcellent
 3. Mayukhi du Domaine de la Combe Noireexcellent
Veteran class
 1. Żela z Peronówki FCIexcellentBest Veteran