2019-07-06 - VDH-Spezial-Rassenhunde-Ausstellung fur TWH - Ebstorf

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Judge:Daiva Rimaityte (LT)
Show date:06/07/2019
Submitted by:Margo
Submitted on:09/07/2019
Open class
 1. Amoux vom Schreiners Brünnele (MIX: AWD! Saarloos?)excellentBOS
 2. Altaïr z Karpatskej strážeexcellent
 3. Feivel from Bandit's Worldexcellent
 4. Garou Vlčí tlapkaexcellent
Champion class
 1. Kris Wilcza krainaexcellent
Veteran class
 1. Idefix vom Wengerhofexcellent
Puppy (6-9 months)
 1. Atka z Narog (_?)very promissing
 2. Bazinga z Karpatskej stráževery promissing
 3. Garcia Galice Grey Diamond (MIX: Mutara?)very promissing
Middle class
 1. Chandrakali z Molu Es (_?)excellent
Open class
 1. Nedyalka Zlatá Palzexcellent
 2. Fleur Malou Grey Diamondexcellent
 3. X'Aeshma II z Peronówki FCIexcellent
 . Baranya Panera Kalimero Bohemica (MIX: AWD! Saarloos?)excellent
 . Lahja Spirit of the Wolf (MIX: Mutara?)excellent
Champion class
 1. Capa Negra Lupus ardor (MIX: Mutara?)excellent
 2. Crying Wolf (MIX: Saarloos!) Jayaraniexcellent
Veteran class
 1. Vilja-Lara od Úhoště (MIX: AWD! Saarloos?)excellentBest Veteran
 2. Whispering Wolf (MIX: Saarloos?) Catori Lizaexcellent
 3. Evita von Keschlaexcellent