2017-12-10 - Internationale Rassehundeausstellung - Kassel

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Judge:Miroslav Zidar (SI)
Show date:10/12/2017
Submitted by:23011086
Submitted on:10/12/2017
Youth class (9-18 months)
 1. Oskar Kati-vlčí makexcellentYouth Winner
 2. Alvar Danuvius von Isegrims Erbenexcellentres. Youth Winner
 3. Akinom Eso von Isegrims Erbenvery good
Middle class
 1. Radogost II z Peronówki FCIexcellentCAC, VDH-ChA, res. CACIB
Champion class
 1. Dark Shadow the Wolf I. Lord of LasvegasexcellentBOB, CACIB, VDH-ChA
 2. Gin Tonic vom DreiburgenblickexcellentVDH-ChA
Veteran class
 1. Keoma vom Westerwälder BergexcellentBest Veteran
Youth class (9-18 months)
 1. Avaya Valentina von Isegrims ErbenexcellentBOS, Best Junior, Youth Winner
 2. Baranya Panera Kalimero Bohemica (MIX: AWD! Saarloos?)excellent
 3. Olinka Kati-vlčí makexcellent
 4. Fleur Malou Grey Diamondvery good
Champion class
 1. Dobrica vom DreiburgenblickexcellentCACIB, VDH-ChA