2016-06-12 - Exposition Canine Nationale - Semur en Auxois

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Judge:Bernard Pouvesle (FR)
Show date:12/06/2016
Submitted by:mon ptitloup
Submitted on:19/06/2016
Middle class
 1. Leader z Orel Ochrana (MIX: AWD? Saarloos?)very good
 2. The Ending Of Hell Wolves (MIX: Saarloos!) Jaswadvery good
 3. Lawsonite du Domaine du vieux Manoir (MIX: Saarloos! Mutara?)very good
Open class
 1. Over the Top Olim Palus (_?)excellentBOB, CACS
Baby (3-6 months)
 1. Bamboo -Alba del Lupo- (MIX: Mutara?)very promissingBest Baby
Youth class (9-18 months)
 1. Lyankä de la Louve Blanche (MIX: Saarloos! AWD?)excellentBest Junior
Open class
 1. Immortelle of Liberty Wind (MIX: Mutara?)excellentBOS, CACS
 2. Jürka de la Louve Blanche (MIX: AWD! Saarloos!)excellentres. CACS
 3. Laïka les P'tits Loups d'Amour (MIX: Saarloos? Mutara?)excellent