2015-11-01 - Mezinárodní výstava psů DUOCACIB - Brno

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Judge:Miroslav Václavík (CZ)
Show date:01/11/2015
Submitted by:23011086
Submitted on:03/11/2015
Youth class (9-18 months)
 1. Buakaw Por Pramuk Lupi Si Nasce (_?)excellentYouth Winner
 2. Dareba z Molu Es (_?)excellent
 3. Cherokee Duke Srdcerváčexcellent
 4. Darius Daemon z Molu Es (_?)excellent
 . Alter Ego Wolfdog Bohemiavery good
Middle class
 1. Erwin z Katusického dvora (_?)excellentCAC
 2. Damon Wolf Lucky of Lukava (MIX: Mutara?)very good
Open class
 1. Yukon z Litavské kotliny (MIX: Mutara?)excellentCAC
 2. Boogaboo Eden severu (MIX: AWD! Saarloos?)excellentres. CAC
 3. Eik el Chido vom Dreiburgenblick (MIX: Saarloos?)very good
 4. Cid z Postupického podlesí (_?)very good
 . Bard Jantarowa Watahagood
Working class
 1. Ezra si Nasce Lupi del MontaleexcellentBOS, CAC, CACIB
 2. Goran z Deštné hory (_?)excellentres. CAC
Champion class
 1. Budulínek z Molu Es (_?)excellentCAC, res. CACIB
 2. Ziggy Lee z Molu Es (MIX: Mutara?)excellentres. CAC
Youth class (9-18 months)
 1. Enigma Šedý poklad (MIX: AWD! Saarloos?)excellentBest Junior, Youth Winner
 2. Big Layla Alì Lupi Si Nasce (_?)excellent
 3. Eire Šedý poklad (MIX: AWD! Saarloos?)excellent
 4. Geilen ArQeVa (_?)very good
Middle class
 1. Call Freya Anwar (MIX: Mutara?)excellentCAC
 2. Búrka Ľalinokexcellentres. CAC
Open class
 1. Bella Lucky of Lukava (MIX: Mutara?)excellentCAC
 2. Beyzanur z Molu Es (_?)excellentres. CAC
Working class
 1. CIA z Molu Es (_?)excellentCAC, res. CACIB
 2. Arimminum Hantayweeexcellentres. CAC
Champion class
 1. Aglaya z Molu Es (_?)excellentBOB, BOG 2., CAC, CACIB
Veteran class
 1. Osse Eden severuexcellentBest Veteran