Listing of stud males - Romania
Charon Srdcerváč

General information | |
Name of the dog: | Charon Srdcerváč |
Date of birth: | 2014.12.06 |
Work & training: | |
Dog shows: | 8 x BOB, 4 x Best Junior, 6 x Youth Winner, 1 x res. CAC, 7 x CAC, 2 x res. CACIB, 6 x Best Male, 2 x CACIB, 2 x BOS, 1 x European Winner, 1 x CACA |
HD: | A (A/A), (HU) Banfi |
ED: | A (0-0), (HU) Banfi |
Nanismo: | N/N, (DE) Laboklin |
Mielopatia Degenerativa (DM): | N/N, (DE) Laboklin |
Progenie: | 1. generazione: 46 1.-2. generazione: 68 1.-3. generazione: 68 |
Arimminum Magic Mike

General information | |
Name of the dog: | Arimminum Magic Mike |
Date of birth: | 2013.05.29 |
Work & training: | |
Dog shows: | 4 x CAC, 1 x Best Junior, 2 x Best Male, 1 x BOB, 1 x CACIB |
HD: | B, (RO) ??? |
ED: | A (0-0), (RO) ??? |
Nanismo: | N/N, (NL) van Haeringen |
Mielopatia Degenerativa (DM): | ?/N, unofficial |
Progenie: | 1. generazione: 20 1.-2. generazione: 54 1.-3. generazione: 55 |