Listing of stud males - Danimarca

Drago von Westerode

General information
Name of the dog:Drago von Westerode
Date of birth:2013.02.26
Work & training:
Dog shows:This dog does not have any show titles yet...
HD:B, unofficial - (DK) ???
Nanismo:?/N, unofficial
Mielopatia Degenerativa (DM):N/N, unofficial
Progenie:1. generazione: 10
1.-2. generazione: 10
1.-3. generazione: 10

Obsidian Malý Bysterec

General information
Name of the dog:Obsidian Malý Bysterec
Date of birth:2016.12.16
Work & training:
Dog shows:1 x BOB, 1 x CAC, 1 x CACIB
HD:B, (DK) Lauersen
ED:A (0-0), unofficial - (DK) ???
Nanismo:N/N, (AT) Vetgene
Mielopatia Degenerativa (DM):N/N, (AT) Vetgene
Progenie:1. generazione: 52
1.-2. generazione: 63
1.-3. generazione: 63

Ufo Silavara Girios dvasia

General information
Name of the dog:Ufo Silavara Girios dvasia
Date of birth:2015.05.25
Work & training:
Dog shows:3 x Best Male, 3 x CAC, 1 x BOB, 1 x Club Winner, 1 x CWC
HD:A, (BY) ???
ED:A (0-0), (BY) ???
Nanismo:N/DW, unofficial - (BY) ???
Mielopatia Degenerativa (DM):N/N, unofficial - (BY) ???
Progenie:1. generazione: 14
1.-2. generazione: 14
1.-3. generazione: 14