Listing of stud males - Svizzera

Ablaze Smaug Tratto dal Lupo

General information
Name of the dog:Ablaze Smaug Tratto dal Lupo
Date of birth:2015.05.29
Work & training:TA
Dog shows:1 x CAC, 2 x VDH-ChA, 4 x res. CAC, 2 x res. CACIB, 1 x res. VDH-ChA
HD:A (A/A), (CH) Flückinger
ED:A (0-0), (CH) Fluckiger
Nanismo:N/DW, (FR) Antagene
Mielopatia Degenerativa (DM):N/N, (FR) Antagene
Progenie:1. generazione: 0