Coming litter: Terra del Vento (2025-06-21)

Earliest date of pick up:2025-06-21
Padre:Eros Storm Body Vlčí démon, HD: B, ED: A (0-0), DM: N/N
This dog does not have any show titles yet...
Madre:Brethil Mithrandir Terra del Vento -della Terra del Vento-, HD: A, ED: A (0-0), DM: N/DM
4 x Best Female, 6 x Best Junior, 6 x Youth Winner, 2 x BOB, 1 x BOS
Contact languages:
Kennel name:
Città: Tirrenia
Telefono:+39 339 6519879
More contact info:Forum: Blu Kiba
Informazioni aggiuntive:
Information about parents:
Dog name:Eros Storm Body Vlčí démonBrethil Mithrandir Terra del Vento -della Terra del Vento-
Date of birth:2016.11.182019.08.09
Salute:HD: B
, ED: A (0-0)
, Mielopatia Degenerativa (DM): N/N
, Nanismo: N/DW
, ED: A (0-0)
, Mielopatia Degenerativa (DM): N/DM
, Nanismo: N/N
Risultati esposizioni:This dog does not have any show titles yet...4 x Best Female, 6 x Best Junior, 6 x Youth Winner, 2 x BOB, 1 x BOS
Work & training:

Eros Storm Body Vlčí démon

Abbath Drink Džin vom Elli-Rudel

Birger Nanuk vom Dreiburgenblick

Cirus spod Ďumbiera

Ela Zlatá Palz

Caandy II od Úhoště

Drink Džin z Vlčí chaloupky

Unique od Úhoště

Caya Vlčí tlapka

Akaj Vlčí tlapka

Enor Malý Bysterec

Gira Dakmat

Beta Vlčí démon

Hitt spod Ďumbiera

Aida Vlčí démon

Brethil Mithrandir Terra del Vento -della Terra del Vento-

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