2014-05-24 - Mezinárodní výstava psů - Litoměřice

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Judge:Bożena Ovesná (CZ)
Show date:24/05/2014
Submitted by:11spank
Submitted on:06/05/2015
Puppy (6-9 months)
 1. Adaggio Vetonimia (MIX: Mutara?)très prometteur
 2. Boon z Datova rájetrès prometteur
Youth class (9-18 months)
 1. Biaggi Lucky of Lukava (MIX: Mutara?)excellentVainqueur jeune
 2. Hati the Moonchaser Srdcerváč (_?)excellent
Middle class
 1. Boogaboo Eden severu (MIX: AWD! Saarloos?)excellentBOS, CAC, CACIB
 2. Budulínek z Molu Es (_?)excellentres. CAC
Open class
 1. Cerberus ArQeVa (_?)excellentCAC
 . Cirda Kuklík (MIX: Mutara?)good
Working class
 1. Goran z Deštné hory (_?)excellentCAC
Classe champion
 1. Yahoo z Molu Es (MIX: Mutara?)excellentCAC, res. CACIB
 2. Ziggy Lee z Molu Es (MIX: Mutara?)excellentres. CAC
Puppy (6-9 months)
 1. CIA z Molu Es (_?)très prometteur
Youth class (9-18 months)
 1. Bella Lucky of Lukava (MIX: Mutara?)excellentMeilleur junior , Vainqueur jeune
Middle class
 1. Cindy Grey Šedý poklad (MIX: AWD! Saarloos?)excellentCAC
 2. Beta z Molu Es (_?)excellent
Open class
 1. Atinka Sun z Molu Es (_?)excellentCAC
 2. Zéphire z Molu Es (MIX: Mutara?)excellentres. CAC
Working class
 1. Anch su namon Lucan (MIX: Mutara?)excellentCAC
Classe champion
 1. Yukon z Molu Es (_?)excellentBIS National breeds 1., BOB, CAC, CACIB
 2. Aglaya z Molu Es (_?)excellentres. CAC, res. CACIB
Veteran class
 1. Orka z Molu EsexcellentBest Veteran