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Old 08-02-2010, 21:34   #1
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Default When a dwarf is born

Can anybody translate this topic in your language?
Thanks in advance!

Pituitary dwarfism exists also in CsW breed and we know several dwarfs in different countries from different lines.

In other topics on wolfdog I did give info about this disease and the possibility of a test for pituitary dwarfism. http://www.wolfdog.org/forum/showthread.php?t=10756

When a CsW is carrier it is not any problem, this dog will not get pituitary dwarfism.
You also can breed without problems, you only have to make a combination with a Free dog and no dwarfs will be born.

But because yet only a few CsW's are tested, still dwarfs will be born.
So I also will give some info for owners and breeders of dwarfs.

When a dwarf is born an owner/breeder can think about a few options:
  • Keep it yourself without treatment
  • Keep it yourself with treatment (and you have to find a university or well specialized vet who can measure hormone values and who has the possibility to give thyroxine and p GH)
  • Euthanize the dwarf in the country of your own when the dwarf becomes ill and suffers
  • Euthanize the dwarf in Holland (The university did ask me to tell you all this option too).
  • Adoption in Holland by the new Dutch Dwarfism Foundation where a dwarf can get treatment

About medication for a dwarf:
Any defect in the development of the pituitary gland causes a lack in producing hormones. And most dogs with pituitary dwarfism has a lack of these hormones GH, TSH, PRL, FSH, LH, ACTH.
That is why a dog with Pituitary Dwarfism have to be treated with a combination of GH (grow hormone) and thyroid hormone.
But it is not possible to treat a dwarf with canine GH, because it is not available for medical use.
But porcine GH (of pigs) is identical to canine GH, and a good alternative for treatment.
I don't know if porcine GH is available in other countries

About dwarfs without treatment:
Some dwarfs without treatment can become between 4 and 5 year old. But there is a huge individual difference.
Because some dwarfs still produces a bit of GH of their own!
And their prognoses also it depends of how their kidneys were developed because of this.
Because the progression of kidney failure is also important for the age a dwarf can reach.
The Dutch university did even know a dwarf that did become 10 years old without treatment, because his kidneys did function (because of his own producing of GH) His only problems were bold skin and skin inflammation.
So nobody can ever predict what age an individual dwarf can reach.

About treatment:
The Dutch university knows after years of research that giving a combination of thyroid hormone in combination with porcine pGH is giving good results.
With giving the pGH in the first year they stimulate the kidneys of a dwarf to develop in a normal way.
They did find out that start with giving pGH after the first year did not have any results and influence on the kidneys anymore.
And when the kidneys did not develop (and grow)the first year in the right way, this cannot be treated anymore with medicines. (The lack of development of kidneys causes a lot of problems for dwarfs)
So the Dutch university only starts with treating very young dwarfs with giving pGH in combination with thyorid hormone.

About the research:
The Dutch university is still doing research about treatment and the development of the dwarfs. And so they treat dwarfs of some breeds on this moment.
But for their research they also need pituitary's of dwarfs, so they can do more investigation of the dwarf process and see what is exactly going wrong in the pituitary.
And this research of pituitary's can be a great help for dwarfs (and human) in future.
And that is why they did ask me to ask all owners of dwarfs to help them also with this research.
So when you dwarf is very ill and you have to make sad decisions or consider to euthanatize, please contact me!
And we can also speak about the possibilities to euthanatize in the Dutch university (because then your dwarf can also be great help for other dwarfs)

About adoption and treatment in Holland
Last month the Dutch Dwarf foundation "Saartje" was founded. This foundations will give info about dwarfism in dog breeds and the possibility of testing.
Besides this they also offer dwarf dogs a new home and treatment.
So an owner of a dwarf can donate the dwarf for free to the foundation. And the foundation will become the new owner of the dwarf and will take care for treatment and will pay for this.

I hope I could help dwarf owners/breeders a bit with all this info
When you still have questions, just contact me! [email protected]
Vriendelijke groeten,

PS: I am not a moderator anymore!!
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Old 08-02-2010, 21:54   #2
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Mijke thanks nice work.
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Old 11-02-2010, 22:32   #3
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Vaiva, gal galetum isversti i lietuviu kalba, nes angliskai geriau suprasi teksta ir tikslesnis vertimas bus. Aciu.
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Old 12-02-2010, 20:43   #4
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Hipofizinis karlikizmas pasitaiko ir pas CSW ir yra žinoma keletą karlikų, esančių skirtingose šalyse iš skirtingų linijų.

Kitose wolfdog temose aš esu pateikusi informacija apie šią ligą ir galimybę nustatyti hipofizinį karlikizmą http://www.wolfdog.org/forum/showthread.php?t=10756

Jei CSW yra tik nešiotojas, ši problema nepasireiskia, šis šuo nesirgs hipofiziniu karlikizmu. Tokius šunis galima veisti be problemų tik reikia kergti tokį šunį su šuniu, kuris nėra šios ligos nešiotojas ir vadoje šuniukų sergančių karlikizmu nebus.

Bet kadangi yra tik keletas CSW ištirti, vadose pasitaiko karlikizmu sergančių šuniukų. Taigi, aš tuo pačiu pateikiu truputį informacijos karlikizmą turinčių šunų savininkams ir veisėjams.

Kai gimsta karlikas savininkas/veisėjas gali apmastyti keletą pasirinkimo galimybių:
  • Pasilikti šuniuką sau ir jo negydyti;
  • Pasilikti šuniuką sau ir jį gydyti (turėsite rasti universiteta arba gerą, besispecializuojantį šioje srityje veterinarą, kuris galės apskaičiuoti hormonų kiekius ir kuris turės galimybę duoti tiroksino ir p GH);
  • Eutanazuoti karlikizmu sergantį gyvūną savo šalyje, kai gyvūnas suserga ir kenčia;
  • Eutanazuoti karlikizmu sergantį gyvūna Olandijoje (Universitetas prašė jums pranešti ir apie tokią galimybę);
  • Gyvūną gali priglausti Olandijos Karlikizmo Fondas esantis Olandijoje, kur gyvūnas gaus visą jam reikalingą gydymą.

Apie karlikizmu sergančių gyvūnų gydymą:
Bet koks hipofizės vystymosi sutrikimas sukelia gaminamų hormonų trūkumą. Dauguma karlikizmu sergančių šunų turi šių hormonų trūkumą: GH, TSH, PRL, FSH, LH, ACTH. Dėl to šuo sergantis hipofiziniu karlikizmu turi būti gydomas naudojant GH (augimo hormoną) ir tiroidinį hormoną.
Nėra galimybių gydyti karlikizmu sergantį šunį su šunų GH, nes jis nėra gaminamas medicininiam naudojimui.
Bet kiaulių augimo hormonas yra identiškas šunų augimo hormonui, tai yra gera gydymo alternatyva.
Nežinau ar kitos šalys turi kiaulių augimo hormono.

Apie karlikizmu sergančių gyvūnu auginimą be gydymo:
Kai kurie karlikizmu sergantys šunys gali sulaukti 4-5 metų amžiaus. Bet yra labai daug individualių skirtumų.
Kai kurie karlikai patys gamina šiek tiek augimo hormono.
Prognozės priklauso nuo kaip gerai yra išsivystę inkstai. Nes progresuojantis inkstų nepakankamumas itakoja amžiaus trukme, kuria karlikas gali pasiekti. Olandijos universitetas turi duomenų apie karliką, kuris sulauke 10 metų, be gydymo, nes jo inkstai funkcionavo (nes jis pats gamino augimo hormoną). Jo sveikatos problema buvo juoda oda ir odos uždegimas.
Taigi, niekas negali nusakyti, kokį amžių pasieks sergantis karlikizmu šuo.

Apie gydymą:
Olandijos universitetas po metų metus trukusių tyrinėjimų atrado, kad duodant tiroidinio hormono ir augimo hormono kombinaciją gydyme gaunami geri rezultatai. Duodamas augimo hormonas, pirmais gyvenimo metais stimuliuoja inkstų vystymąsi ir jie normaliai vystosi. Jie taip pat atrado, kad pradėjus duoti augimo hormoną po pirmų metų, jau hormonas neturi jokios įtakos inkstų vystymuisi. Ir jei pirmais gyvenimo metais insktai normaliai nesivysto (ir neauga), to nebeimano isgydyti veliau naudojant ivairius medikamentus. (Nepakankamas insktų išsivystymas sukelia labai daug problemų karlikizmu sergantiems šunims). Taigi, Olandijos universitetas dar tik pradeda labai jaunų karlikizmu sergančių šunų gydymą panaudojant augimo hormonus kartu su tiroidiniu hormonu.

Apie tyrinėjimus:
Olandijos universitetas vis dar atlieka tyrimus apie karlikizmu sergančių gyvūnų gydymą ir vystymąsi. Šiuo metu jie gydo kelių veislių karlikus.
Bet jų tyrinėjimams reikia karlikų hipofizių, tada jie galėtų atlikti daugiau tyrimų ir surasti kas konkreciai pakinta hipofizeje. Šie hipofizės tyrimai gali labai padėti karlikams (taip pat ir žmonėms) ateityje. Dėl to, jie prašė manes paprašyti visų karlikus auginančių savininkų pagalbos tyrinėjimuose.
Taigi,jei jūsų karlikas labai serga ir jūs turite priimti liūdną sprendimą arba galvojate eutanazuoti gyvūna, prašau praneškite man!
Mes aptarsime galimybę eutanazuoti gyvūna Olandijos universitete (nes tada jūsų karlikas gali būti didžiulė pagalba kitiems karlikams).

Apie priglaudimą ir gydymą Olandijoje:
Praeitą mėnesį buvo įkurtas Olandijos Karlikų Fondas "Saartje". Šis fondas teiks informaciją apie karlikizmą pasitaikantį šunų veislėse ir apie tyrimų galimybes.
Tuo pat metu jie suteikia karlikams naujus namus ir gydymą.
Taigi, karliko šeimininkas gali perduoti nemokamai savo gyvūną šiam fondui. Ir fondas taps nauju karliko savininku ir rūpinsis jo gydymu ir mokės už jį.
Aš tikiuos, kad galėjau truputį padėti karlikų savininkams/veisėjams suteikdamas šią informaciją.
Jei jūs turite klausimų, prašau parašykite man! [email protected]

Last edited by Deima; 12-02-2010 at 20:48.
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Old 12-02-2010, 21:05   #5
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Deima, dekui
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Old 13-02-2010, 14:49   #6
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O kodėl vadinama karlikizmu? Įdomu, iš kur šitas žodis kilęs. Deima, gal apšviesi? Ar ši liga pasitaiko ir kitose veislėse? Lietuvoje tokių atvejų yra? O gydymo atvejų?
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Old 13-02-2010, 18:21   #7
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As tik isverciau, visus klausimus nurodytu adresu prasom siusti
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Old 13-02-2010, 18:37   #8
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Aciu labai Deima, tekstas tikrai nelengvas, o info labai idomus, net ir ne veisejaims....
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Old 13-02-2010, 20:39   #9
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karlik- iš rusų kalbos išvertus reiškia "leliputą"....tad iš esmės tai yra dėl hipofizės sutrikimo išsivystantis leliputizmas....
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Old 14-02-2010, 12:57   #10
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tai pasitaiko visose veislese ir zinoma nuo senu senoves, o visa aktyvumas del to kad ja siuo metu is " naujo" atrado olandai.
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Old 14-02-2010, 16:40   #11
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Originally Posted by auuuu View Post
karlik- iš rusų kalbos išvertus reiškia "leliputą"....tad iš esmės tai yra dėl hipofizės sutrikimo išsivystantis leliputizmas....
Gal "liliputą" Jei jau taisyklingai iki galo...
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Old 20-11-2011, 00:26   #12
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Mijkes postas:

I need your help!
I do not want “to pollute” your language forum again with an English text!

But I know in several countries CsW dwarfs were born and I need the help of the owners/breeders of these dwarfs.

So I hope you will translate this text for your language forum!

Thanks in advance!

About the project of the Dutch uni:
The Dutch veterinary university of Utrecht did discover the mutation for pituitary dwarfism and did develop the dwarfism test. Later on we could validate the test for the CsW breed.
The uni is now doing more research about the function and working of pituitary in this form of dwarfism.
That is why they treat now several dogs (SWH, CsW and GSD) with porcine GH and thyroxin. And in future they also can do more research in the pituitary’s of these dwarfs.
For this project they have now enough living dwarfs. But they still also need pituitary’s of not treated dwarfs. So they hope more dwarf owners/breeders will donate the pituitary of their dwarf when they passed away .

About the CsW dwarfs living in Holland
In the past I did import 5 dwarfs (2 from Poland, 3 from Slovakia) for the pituitary dwarfism research project of the uni in Utrecht.
One of the dwarfs was already dead by importing, but thanks to the breeder the uni could still do research on her pituitary.
All these dwarfs get every week Porcine grow hormones and daily thyroxin tablets. So their organs can/could develop in a normal way.

About health of Faith and Coco
This summer locomotion problems did start with one of dwarfs from SK (Coco) and very soon the second one Faith (from the same litter) did get similar problems.

About Faith
With Faith the locomotion problems did progress in a very fast way and at the end she lacked the control of her locomotion and coordination and did become very weak. So she did get a lot of investigations and MRI scan. And based on all these research results, it was clear this dwarf could not have a normal life and would only suffer ……
So the owner had to make a hard and brave decision for the best of this dwarf to to euthanize her....

Here you can find the report of her owner Arnolda:

Faith R.I.P. *19-12-2010 +25-08-2011

Faith was born with dwarfism. That's why she lived with us. She came to the Netherlands to get medications. Faith had a MRI scan on 25-08-2011 because she was very weak and didn't have the coordination over her body. At the same time they did a CT scanned X-rays. They found two major problems at the cervical vertebrae and the cartilage . The first one: When Faith grew this part didn't develop very well and it has not grown together. Because of the space between it, tissue started to grow. This tissue was now big enough to push on her skull and small brains. She had too much pressure in her brains. They could not remove this tissue because it was too dangerous and risky. In that area is also the nerve part that arranges the breathing. The chance that they damage nerves during such an operation is very big and there was no guarantee at all that she could recover. The second problem: Every dog has two cervical with two hooks on it. That hooks didn't not grown in a normal way at Faith. They pushed on her spinal marrow at two places. That's why her muscles received wrong information. The nerves in the spinal marrow were under pressure also. We had to make the hardest decision.

About Coco
The uni did also make a lot of investigations and MRI scan of the second dwarf of this litter Coco.
She also has formed tissue between the vertebrae, but not in such a worse way as her sister Faith. Coco did develop slow, but progressed since this summer! And now has less problems with moving! So she is a happy and active dog and can do everything like a normal CsW. And she can become old with this problem

About Chico
The last month the owners of Chico (the dwarf from Poland) did notice that he sometimes was walking very strange when he was running .. (putting his feed in a strange way) Than they also did notice a strange way of holding his head when running.
And sometimes when he was running he stumbled and fell. Then it seems he could not stand up and was only moving his legs when he laid down.
Also Chico did get a lot of investigations of a neurologist and prof. Kooistra to see if it is a problem of the small brains, or if it is the same problem of Faith and Coco. Last Friday he did also get a MRI scan.
It was visible that the second vertebra was not closed at 3 places. And the spinal cord has small indentations on those places. This is not a problem with normal movement . Only with hard or “suddenly” movements it can result in temporary or complete paralysing.
But also Chico can become old with this defect!

About Yazhi:
This month Yazhi will becomes 2 years old. She never did have any moving problems like the other CsW dwarfs in the research project. She is extremely agile and fast and secure in all her movements.
She only did have coat problems (strange fur with bald spots) In spring the uni did change the doses PGH and in June she was castrated. This did result in total changing of her coat. Now she has a full and thick coat on most places and only 2 small bald spots on the hind legs.

Important Questions for all owners and breeders of dwarfs

Because maybe the physical problems of Faith, Coco and Chico are dwarf related we need your help!!!

  • Did you see any special things in “movement” or in “coordination of movement/ body control” in your dwarf
  • Did you ever see something like that with littermates or pups in other litters?
  • Which other specific things did you notice about your dwarf comparing with other pups?

Also other reactions of other (not dwarf) owners and breeders who did see such locomotion (movement or coordination) problems of puppies are very welcome!

Please send me a PM or email.
We are not interested in names of the dogs, only in your experiences!

And when you have a dwarf and want to cooperate in future the research project with sending the pituitary, please send me also a PM or mail .

Thanks in advance for your cooperation!!

gal kazkas nori padirbeti ir isversti i lietuviu ar skaitantiems anglu kalba nemaiso
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Old 21-11-2011, 22:09   #13
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Originally Posted by wolfin View Post
gal kazkas nori padirbeti ir isversti i lietuviu ar skaitantiems anglu kalba nemaiso
Na galima, bet ar verta? Juk aktualu realiai veisiantiems, t.y. esamu momentu tik tau, o tu pati viską puikiai supranti
Walkiria Girios dvasia

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Old 21-11-2011, 22:11   #14
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tai va butent, na mijke praso vertimo tai as mandagiai ir paklausiu
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