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Old 24-02-2014, 11:05   #1
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Default The CSVCA's open letter to Od Uhoste kennel

The CSVCA's open letter to Od Uhoste kennel on this matter was: To Od Uhoste Kennel,

The Czechoslovakian Vlcak Club of America(CSVCA) is sheltering Polo Od Uhoste, after going through great lengths to transport him out of a kill shelter in Arizona. I know I do not have to remind your kennel that this is not the first time the CSVCA has taken action to rescue one of the Od Uhoste vlcak's in the United States.

The CSVCA is made up of people who love dogs and love this breed in particular, and we are disturbed when a vlcak is placed into an unsuitable home. It upsets us even further if a vlcak is sold in an irresponsible manner. I think it is safe to say beyond any reasonable doubt that the Od Uhoste kennel name comes up far too often in rescue cases in the US. A breeder can make the excuse of not truly knowing the home or owner they are selling their puppy to, but this excuse does fall on deaf ears. I do not believe that excuse holds any water. I think a responsible breeder should take every step to know the owner, and home where their dogs will be placed at. If a breeder truly does care, but is met with repeated placement failures it falls on that breeder to rethink what they are doing. However, everyone can make a mistake. The hallmark of maturity is recognizing that, and rectifying the mistake made. We find it deplorable when a breeder does not take any action to safeguard the well being of the lives they helped bring into this world. Having said that this club was not contacted or assisted by your kennel in any manner in the rescue of Polo Od Uhoste.

Our email address is public, and on our website. The members of the club are easily accessible through Facebook or email. We were told from a reliable source that the reason Od Uhoste kennel did not contact the club or Marcy Goldstone was because you thought Marcy Goldstone or the club wanted all of the "glory" of saving Polo from the public. This excuse also does not hold any water, and it is based off faulty logic. Denying that this was said would be calling the reliable source a liar.

We can assure your kennel that any help given would have been appreciated. No one enjoys cleaning up the mess made by someone else. The time, energy and money spent rescuing Polo Od Uhoste could have used by the CSVCA for other things than "glory". Make no mistake we are glad we were able to rescue him, and thank everyone including members of the public who assisted. However, we are glad we were able to rescue for purely humane reasons. Unfortunately, it appears your kennel was too concerned about "glory", and who wanted it to be bothered.

We do not want to keep seeing Od Uhoste dogs in rescue situations in the United States. We ask that you seriously reconsider your position, and how you wish to proceed. Since the rescue of Polo Od Uhoste was a very public situation Od Uhoste kennel can consider, and expect the contents of this email to also be public. Do not worry yourselves over further communications. We will not contact you further except to reply if necessary to any rebuttal.


Michael Daee
The Czechoslovakian Vlcak Club of America

The customs of your tribe are not laws of nature - George Bernard Shaw
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Old 26-02-2014, 11:50   #2
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Neidem teraz rozoberať prístup chovky k predaju, to teraz odsuniem, ale prišlo mi pri Polovi divné hlavne to, že sa to riešilo bez toho, aby bol chovateľ upozornený. Chovateľka ani len nevedela, že jej odchov je v trabloch a rozbiehala sa záchranná akcia ale kto informoval o tom chovateľa, aby pomohol? Niekto z USA? Veľa ľudí sa do toho zapájalo ale nikto jej ani len nenapísal...

Nič iné neidem na tom hodnotiť, názory mám rôzne, ale toto ma pri tom najviac mrzelo.
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Old 05-03-2014, 10:56   #3
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No právě... Margo už neví, jak by se zbavila konkurence, tak dělá, co může :-)
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