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Old 15-02-2010, 02:07   #41
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Originally Posted by wolfin View Post
congratulation, but Your dog have HD, ED test?
bitch AMGRA VLEI NADIJE b.o.birth 20/12/1998
first litter born 23/12/1999 BITCH WAS MATED AT 10 MTHS OLD....

can you find out if this had hd test done before she was mated at 10 mths old,

Originally Posted by Mikael View Post
hmmmmmm... Is this data really right >>> Fergus Crying Wolf, Birthday: 2008.12.06

Regards / Mikael
Mikael i must thank you all for starting this subject it has opened my eyes to what is going on and the abuse of cws bitchs by some breeders in Europe, it is appauling and inhumain to do this to a bitch, passo del lupo and now this kennel the kennel is called ARIMMINUN.

Originally Posted by Pavel View Post
Again one horrible case. nd as I see, Tikaani dont feel anything. She create the forum and is proud, that producing puppies on not adult and not health tested dogs. Am very sad
sad but not uncommon in europe either in uk we are governed as to a code of ethics that a bitch can only have one litter per year, and may only be bred from 1yr old till 7 yrs old so a maximum of 6 litters in life time of bitch, i have already informed FCI of abuse of breeding a bitch, and now find more and more on this data base new find kennel is called ARIMMINUN.
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Old 23-02-2010, 10:44   #42
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Originally Posted by solowolf View Post
Timber wollf arimminum has sired 94 pups
Cutt- dellifco sortiere has sired 135 pups
Miky passo del lupo has sired 172 pups
we have Uma passo del lupo having 4 litters in 1year and 11 mths she had 8 litters in total before they wore this bitch out,
and poor Amgra vlei nadije at Arimminum kennels bred at 10 mths old had her last litter when she was 10yrs and 6 mths old 10 litters in total before they wore this bitch out. you are not breeders but a discrage to the dog world.

these kennels have all the what we have won over the years at dog shows and we are best kennel,, we have done this and that.
your breeding is doing nothing for the CWS as a breed, and the way both these kennels abuse there bitchs is a disgrace and nothing more than animal cruelty.
You write bad about Sarka and in real she is one of best breeders in CLC. She care for breed much and do lot good things.

If you report really bad kennels start with kennels of your friends. You criticize other but same time you import dogs from Crying wolf kennel who is abusing females and dogs much more than anybody else. And not pay attention to any rules.

-In breeding she makes inbreed on dogs with dysplasia (Durcás Dorka Fehérlófia) - see pedigree of dog: http://www.wolfdog.org/ita/dbase/p3573-5.html. 4 grandparents and 3 with dysplasia and high inbreed in dysplasja.
-Covering with dogs with worst results and all people know because of it Crying dogs have much worst results as other dogs
- breeding with dogs with no FCI right for breeding (Hron, AMore, Hitt ).
- she breed with Arys z Oravy and female was almost 10 years old and in very bad condition. My friends see her in Bratislava and say it is shame for breeder to breed with female so old in look and condition. Poor bitch.
- she cover females as often as she can and Mooa z Krotkovského dvora have 2 litters in one year in 2004: litter with P and with M. Rubin Crying Wolf have 2 litter in one year too: in 2007 litter with A and litter with W. Same one year later in 2008: litter with C and litter with H. Poor female have in 2 years 4 litters!!!! Horrible. And you import Histera from such litter so you also support and promote abusing of females by Crying Wolf.
- and for me wors a breeder can do is to breed with dog and to sell old or not needed dogs and Crying wolf is worst one. In Italy we have some dogs saved from Crying Wolf kennel. Now in dogs looking for new home I see more dogs not needed dogs from this kennel: Flota Lupus Bohemia Genao - one litter now is for sale because she is old. Igor - also not more needed. Whipser - one litter I saw on Crying pages now. No puppes born so dog also for sale.
Some breeder do something wrong. I think all breeder can make on mistake. But you play angel for Wolfdogs but you promote worst kennel I even know according abusing of dogs. Kennel with NO ethics. If you write to FCI start with this one.
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Old 23-02-2010, 11:19   #43
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Dear Lupis ,

If you see my page, you could see many retaired , old and castrated dogs in my kennel and they are not looking for new home...soooo...maybe there is another reason why Flota needs new home.
Whisper : he hasn't got litters and even I not planned.....and if you would be so more conversant with him, you surely know that I had to buy him back from his owner............
Please write me the name of the dogs which were saved from me to Italy!!!!!!!!!!!
And pour Arys was Veteren World Winner and Best Veteran in Bratislava WDS, she is in excelent condition!!!!

My dogs are not more accused HD than others (especial to see that we are working from the same sources), I give health and breeding quarantee for my pups!
And if you write something please write facts and not lies , according to FCI rules : A,B and C results makes you able to breed, and don't forget that Enzo is HD/A.
And don't forget that many italian dogs has got the same lines : Fehérlófia Dalos Duna and Fehérlófia Dinom Dánom!

Those, who know me and my dogs, those know that my dogs are in excelent condition, and I realy don't need to see bonitacion code to decided the quality of the dog.
Son of Hitt , Emir was Young World Winner, Enzo 2nd place...and Hitt has breeding licence, Amore Mio is World Winner and has breeding licence. Are they bad dogs????
hmmm you have very strange taste and your CSW breeder friends are simple jelous!!!!!
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Old 23-02-2010, 11:44   #44
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Lupis, you seem to know a lot of csws. But sometimes people are not able to handle and care right for csw. So they start talking gossip. The life shows that it is always better to make an own picture of what you want to talk about. How could a dog be veteran world winner and your friends told you that Ayrs was in bad condition. The judges were the probably best speciality judges the breed has. So I can only say your friends do know nothing about csw breed!

I know some of Edits dogs, I know the place where she lives with her dogs and I have Myla Crying wolf. And Edit lives and dies for her dogs. She breeds csw with real character! She breeds wolfish looking csws.

Christian with pack
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Old 23-02-2010, 12:15   #45
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Lupis is not my friend, I don't know Edit and nor am I jeleous, neither own a CW dog, but the info about double litters in one year seems to be true, at least according to WD database. Or maybe the base's lying?

If not, is it correct/legal to breed on a bitch every few months in Hungary? How was it feasible to register four litters of the same bitch in just two years?

Please take no offence, Edit, I'm not criticizing your dogs, their condition or health, only asking and hope you had your (good?) reasons to do so.

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Old 23-02-2010, 12:52   #46
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Originally Posted by jasmine View Post
If you see my page, you could see many retaired , old and castrated dogs in my kennel and they are not looking for new home...soooo...maybe there is another reason why Flota needs new home.
Whisper : he hasn't got litters and even I not planned.....and if you would be so more conversant with him, you surely know that I had to buy him back from his owner............
Please write me the name of the dogs which were saved from me to Italy!!!!!!!!!!!
It is not very much old history. Still many people complain that you cheated them and you are not honest breeder. You say you close your kennel and need help with finding homes for your dogs. To Italy we get Forest, Laguna and Lunatica - maybe more but i know history only of three dogs. People were helping you but when you put off unneed dogs you start to produce puppies again... Here you have proof - hope you understand it

I do not say goosips because i have my mind. But some people say thing open with not hiding it and breeders are not lieying.

Originally Posted by jasmine View Post
And pour Arys was Veteren World Winner and Best Veteran in Bratislava WDS, she is in excelent condition!!!!
Because she was the most old dog in look and only old female in this class. She was like a veteran between much young dogs. But Amy, Askia, Jolly and Poly as same age. Just much much young in look and much much better condition. ANd not look like real veteran. Is opinion not of my friends but many more people that arys was not best one but most poor and old in look in this class.

Originally Posted by jasmine View Post
And if you write something please write facts and not lies , according to FCI rules : A,B and C results makes you able to breed, and don't forget that Enzo is HD/A.
You say you have skills. You skills tell you it is good to inbreed on dysplasia dog? Very much inbreed? Beginner know it is not heathy and very much dangerous. Enzo is HD/a but in his blood you have much dysplasia genetics.

Originally Posted by jasmine View Post
And don't forget that many italian dogs has got the same lines : Fehérlófia Dalos Duna and Fehérlófia Dinom Dánom!
And people say that because of it some lines here also have problems with dysplasia. But breeder in my country not make inbreed on dysplasia dogs like you. They try to make hips better.

[quote=jasmine;281651]Son of Hitt , Emir was Young World Winner, Enzo 2nd place...and Hitt has breeding licence, Amore Mio is World Winner and has breeding licence. Are they bad dogs????[quote]

I not say about dogs but about rules. In Italy we have many nice dogs with no pedigrees. IF dog have no pedigree it can be good too.
But i say that hitt, Amore and Hrin have no FCI breeding right. No bonitation when you use them. Now Amore and hitt has but you broken FCI rules. Hron is still not for breeding.
It is not jalous but i show solwoolf you are master of cheating. Not Sarka.
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Old 23-02-2010, 12:56   #47
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Hello Rona,

We could make 3 litters in 2 years.
I had to ask special request to my litter was born 28.02.2008. The local vet examined Rubin and the circumstances and wrote report. As everything was ok, Rubin and the pups were in good condition I had got the right to get pedigree for the pups.
(If you see there is almost a year inbetween the pups born 28.02.2008 and 10.12. 2008 )
Rubin first two litter was from Ali, who was old (sorry is old, as thanks for God, he is still alive ) and had holiday in my kennel and the reason why I made two litter after him and quite short term is that I want this bloodline to combine with my dogs and unfortunately my other female (Demon) was empty after him. Rubin's second litter were just two pups, so you could imagine, it was nothing for her.
Normaly my females are in heat 1 time a year and have pups 1 times a year and just those which are in breeding condition or I have breeding plan.
When I plan a litter with my females I always see the condition and the health status of my females, Arys was checked before the mateing, make test for her kindey and liver function and ultrasonic about her utherus, she was checked every week during the pregnancy by my vet.
This year I had a lot of request for pups from Flash...but her condition is not breeding condition anymore, moreover she had problem during the whealping with her last litter. So it was no question that she won't have puppies anymore!!!!!
Such as I have castrated females as they are out of breeding(Hannah E.S, Briza C.W)......and Dorka and Mona was castrated as well as they came out of breeding and stayed with us.
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Old 23-02-2010, 13:03   #48
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Thanks for your explanations

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Old 23-02-2010, 13:09   #49
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Lunatica was reserved as she was born....as Massimo loves her mother......Laguna was bought and not adopted!!!!! , what Rosella wrote is fault...I have got a sales contract (sorry Lupis..) such as Forrest !!!!!!
Forrest is an EUCH, HCH dog with very nice, handable caracter, do you think I wanted to adopt him free of charge??????

Arys: as you was not there a little bit strange to read your words. I wish everybody this kind of "bad conditioned", "old looking" 10 years old dog!!!!!!
Please check it that this pour , old dog was over 9 when win the open class in german klubshow!!!!!!!
It is a shame that you dare to write this...it is hurt not just me but the judges as well!!!!!

Rules: every country, every klub has got different rules...............please look after the FCI rules more precizely!!!!!

displasia: I start to boring always repeat myself: we work from the same bloodlines, no 100% HD clear lines, moreover in italy you use the same bloodlines!!!!!!Not make inbreed??? ahhh please!!!!!I wont write name of the dogs/kennels as I have never wanted to clearify myself to drop shit anybody else, buth we both know there are many many dogs in italy which has got Dinom-Danom and Dalos Duna is the pedigree.....and many other inbreeding as well.

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Old 23-02-2010, 13:15   #50
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I have no problem with Sarka. I'm very happy with Tristan Arimminum.
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Old 23-02-2010, 13:32   #51
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Originally Posted by jasmine View Post
This year I had a lot of request for pups from Flash...but her condition is not breeding condition anymore, moreover she had problem during the whealping with her last litter. So it was no question that she won't have puppies anymore!!!!!
Is not wonder for me. After 4 litters in 2 years i think all normal females will no more be in breeding conditions. Now you see that you abused her and risked her health. you produced so much puppies as possible not carring for female till poor female started to have problems with giving birth to puppies because of so exploit use of her. Now you see why it is forbided to make it and why to good breeders not abuse females as you do.
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Old 23-02-2010, 13:39   #52
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??? hehehe , you misundurstud something...
before you attacted me read over the text..
Flash has never had 4 litters inbetween 2 years....and she hasn't got breeding condition.
Rubin has excelent condition !!!!!!

But it is you: your aim just droping shits and wtite BAD and Bad just for your fun.
But many of us it is not a good fun..........


PS: I have never risked of any of my dogs health or life. NEVER!!!
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Old 23-02-2010, 13:43   #53
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Originally Posted by jasmina
Lunatica was reserved as she was born....as Massimo loves her mother......Laguna was bought and not adopted!!!!! , what Rosella wrote is fault...
Rosella not lie!! and other italian owners not too.
You tell them you close kennel. In italian forum you have topicsa about dogs adopted from you kennel. maybe you sell forest but he was looking for new home like other dogs. Sad some peole was to give useless dog away and still ern money for it.

Originally Posted by jasmina
Arys: as you was not there a little bit strange to read your words. I wish everybody this kind of "bad conditioned", "old looking" 10 years old dog!!!!!!
so why all people say it was not fair for Arys to win because other (all) females were much better condition and have no problems to move like Arys? Maybe you think about other show or want to hide true about next poor abuse female?
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Old 23-02-2010, 14:00   #54
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Originally Posted by jasmine View Post
Rubin first two litter was from Ali, who was old (sorry is old, as thanks for God, he is still alive ) and had holiday in my kennel and the reason why I made two litter after him and quite short term is that I want this bloodline to combine with my dogs and unfortunately my other female (Demon) was empty after him. Rubin's second litter were just two pups, so you could imagine, it was nothing for her.
For me that dog had holiday in your kennel is no reason to abuse female. We say about 4 litter!!! Every 6 monts. NO EXPLANATION for such huge abuse.
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Old 23-02-2010, 14:00   #55
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I surely won't continue this useless conversation with you !!!!

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Old 23-02-2010, 14:43   #56
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Originally Posted by lupis View Post

so why all people say it was not fair for Arys to win because other (all) females were much better condition and have no problems to move like Arys? Maybe you think about other show or want to hide true about next poor abuse female?
Sorry but I was in Bratislava and our female was in the same class like Arys and I didn´t have the feeling this wasn´t fair, I also didn´t get the impression anybody else did have this feeling.
I also did see her with her puppies two months later. This is simply not true, she is in very good condition, has no problems to move, a very good mother and has a very friendly open character. And surely not ALL people would even dream of telling your wrong story.

At this visit I also saw only well fed animals, kept in groups, not isolated, having the possibility to run free in a big area together in terms. And a breeder that is devoting all her spare time and money to this animals and also does spend an extremely high amount in health care and treatment in everyone of her animals no matter of it is of any use for breeding or not.

If you are so naive to believe everything you hear you should at least be so sensible not to spread gossips in an open forum.

And please don´t answer I also won´t feed the troll once more.

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Old 23-02-2010, 14:52   #57
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Originally Posted by michaelundinaeichhorn View Post
If you are so naive to believe everything you hear you should at least be so sensible not to spread gossips in an open forum.
I believe what i see. I see 4 litters in 2 years. and photos with dogs in cages and near cages. And always some dog from Crying wolf looking for new home.
And you answer is normal because you her friend and you have twoi dogs from her kennel. so yiu will never write you support such kind of puppy producing. Maybe for you abusing females is ok and two litter every year are healthy for females. But all normal breeder say it is just breeding foir money because is no reason to use female so much times in year.
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Old 23-02-2010, 15:14   #58
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Lupis is an accurate reader of Italian forums and takes his own conclusions.

Apparently it is the "season" to attack Edit and Crying Wolf dogs again, it happens periodically.

Edit is not perfect and surely has done mistakes, as all humans do.
Bringing arguments old 5 years is typical of useless TROLLS.

Has Lupis ever visited Kennel Crying Wolf?
Has Lupis compared bloodlines coming out of Crying Wolf kennel today and that of 4-5 years ago?
Has Lupis noticed how much the characters of Crying Wolf dogs has improved since the last years?

Lupis, until you SIGN your posts, your words are like free shit spreading in the air and no-one to blame.
I wouldn't give you my Crying Wolf Lunatica not even if you paid me several thousand euros. (if you paid me hundred thousands I would give her to you and then pay somebody to steal her back!!)
Why? It's true, she doesn't do shows, she is displasic and therefore sterilized...
You will NOT have a reply, only those who care for their dogs and don't spend their days spreading bad words about everybody can understand.
Oliver & Lunatica
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Old 23-02-2010, 15:36   #59
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Originally Posted by lupis View Post
You write bad about Sarka and in real she is one of best breeders in CLC. She care for breed much and do lot good things.

If you report really bad kennels start with kennels of your friends. You criticize other but same time you import dogs from Crying wolf kennel who is abusing females and dogs much more than anybody else. And not pay attention to any rules.

-In breeding she makes inbreed on dogs with dysplasia (Durcás Dorka Fehérlófia) - see pedigree of dog: http://www.wolfdog.org/ita/dbase/p3573-5.html. 4 grandparents and 3 with dysplasia and high inbreed in dysplasja.
-Covering with dogs with worst results and all people know because of it Crying dogs have much worst results as other dogs
- breeding with dogs with no FCI right for breeding (Hron, AMore, Hitt ).
- she breed with Arys z Oravy and female was almost 10 years old and in very bad condition. My friends see her in Bratislava and say it is shame for breeder to breed with female so old in look and condition. Poor bitch.
- she cover females as often as she can and Mooa z Krotkovského dvora have 2 litters in one year in 2004: litter with P and with M. Rubin Crying Wolf have 2 litter in one year too: in 2007 litter with A and litter with W. Same one year later in 2008: litter with C and litter with H. Poor female have in 2 years 4 litters!!!! Horrible. And you import Histera from such litter so you also support and promote abusing of females by Crying Wolf.
- and for me wors a breeder can do is to breed with dog and to sell old or not needed dogs and Crying wolf is worst one. In Italy we have some dogs saved from Crying Wolf kennel. Now in dogs looking for new home I see more dogs not needed dogs from this kennel: Flota Lupus Bohemia Genao - one litter now is for sale because she is old. Igor - also not more needed. Whipser - one litter I saw on Crying pages now. No puppes born so dog also for sale.
Some breeder do something wrong. I think all breeder can make on mistake. But you play angel for Wolfdogs but you promote worst kennel I even know according abusing of dogs. Kennel with NO ethics. If you write to FCI start with this one.
i have purchased dogs from crying wolf but never visited the kennels, it was a friend who sent me info on Italain kennels and they are going through every breeder now checking for this type of abusive breeding and i can assure you no one will be missed out and all reported to the FCI, at present i am to busy to do anything but my friends will do anything that needs done and send reports to FCI and the authorities, regards pacino
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Old 23-02-2010, 15:38   #60
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Originally Posted by lupis View Post
You write bad about Sarka and in real she is one of best breeders in CLC. She care for breed much and do lot good things.

If you report really bad kennels start with kennels of your friends. You criticize other but same time you import dogs from Crying wolf kennel who is abusing females and dogs much more than anybody else. And not pay attention to any rules.

-In breeding she makes inbreed on dogs with dysplasia (Durcás Dorka Fehérlófia) - see pedigree of dog: http://www.wolfdog.org/ita/dbase/p3573-5.html. 4 grandparents and 3 with dysplasia and high inbreed in dysplasja.
-Covering with dogs with worst results and all people know because of it Crying dogs have much worst results as other dogs
- breeding with dogs with no FCI right for breeding (Hron, AMore, Hitt ).
- she breed with Arys z Oravy and female was almost 10 years old and in very bad condition. My friends see her in Bratislava and say it is shame for breeder to breed with female so old in look and condition. Poor bitch.
- she cover females as often as she can and Mooa z Krotkovského dvora have 2 litters in one year in 2004: litter with P and with M. Rubin Crying Wolf have 2 litter in one year too: in 2007 litter with A and litter with W. Same one year later in 2008: litter with C and litter with H. Poor female have in 2 years 4 litters!!!! Horrible. And you import Histera from such litter so you also support and promote abusing of females by Crying Wolf.
- and for me wors a breeder can do is to breed with dog and to sell old or not needed dogs and Crying wolf is worst one. In Italy we have some dogs saved from Crying Wolf kennel. Now in dogs looking for new home I see more dogs not needed dogs from this kennel: Flota Lupus Bohemia Genao - one litter now is for sale because she is old. Igor - also not more needed. Whipser - one litter I saw on Crying pages now. No puppes born so dog also for sale.
Some breeder do something wrong. I think all breeder can make on mistake. But you play angel for Wolfdogs but you promote worst kennel I even know according abusing of dogs. Kennel with NO ethics. If you write to FCI start with this one.
p.s. if you already know information why did you not report such things to FCI??/
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