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_Administration Questions connected with Wolfdog.org, database and other technical matters....

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Old 14-04-2012, 13:48   #181
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I am very excited to see the features reappear once again at the side! Is it possible to include the "puppy tool" button again, showing Wright's co-efficient/pedigree for potential litters? This was such a helpful tool for breeders, and one of my favorite features. Thanks!
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Old 03-06-2012, 17:56   #182
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Default What I make wrong?

What am I doing wrong?
I send all my data more quickly. But it is very fast under my breeders name Info: The Breeder send not the informations!!!

What is the current e-mail address for information? I have send the Data more and more. [email protected] and more adresses,..... its ugly and verry sad for the breed!


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Old 04-06-2012, 21:44   #183
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Welcome to the Club! My L-litter is not here and K-litters have wrong photos...Can take more than 10years...
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Old 10-06-2012, 23:04   #184
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I still cant understand from where to put my 5 CSV and one litter in database. Keep wallking !!!!
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Old 21-06-2012, 00:24   #185
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hi, so the new features on wolfdog are cool, but still, you should do your job first - update the database and then do some "magic" in design and features.
what i realy do not like is, that some breeders, for some reasons do not have theire litters in the database - if i choose a breeder, who you "dont like" (sorry for the words), without reason, there are no his litters. and that is realy sh*tty. why? because it makes no sence to NOT display the litters. the litters are born, have pedigree,... so why do not show them? realy stupid.
the next thing is, the editing of shows - the results are not complete and can not be complete, because few dogs are missing in the database and so can not be add in the results. it is a good idea, that people can update the results, but still, please update the database first and than do the rest.
i know this is still a private server, but people are sending you the infos, so it is a good thing, to complete it and upload more often.
i kow, as a private server, you can do, what you want - but still - if someone has litters, has dogs with pedigree, why do you delete this litters?
and the thing with ? and !. please, realy. it is too funny and too crazy to have nearly hlaf of dogs in database with this mark. i know, you want to "warn" people, but still, you dont have proofs! in many cases. for myself I realy do not like the mixes, i know, they are mixes, because they do not look like wolfdogs, because they are too different. but why is this mark by dogs, who are "old line" dogs? this server is gonna to "die" because of these wars between breeders, because of money and fame, gossip... and it is shame, because it was the only plase, where can people see pedigrees of different dogs. so please, at first, there are soo many litters, soo many info and data, you have got, why dont you upload it?
why are you deleting many litters from breeders "who do not sent infos to you" - why should they? when you dont upload it eather?

i realy apologise for "bad" words, but i know, wolfdog isnt the place for getting data anymore, but place for getting gossip.

Last edited by leila; 21-06-2012 at 00:26.
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Old 21-06-2012, 08:37   #186
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Well written words. I only can confirm your opinion... sad but true.

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Old 21-06-2012, 11:22   #187
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Originally Posted by leila View Post
it makes no sence to NOT display the litters. the litters are born, have pedigree,... so why do not show them? realy stupid.


i know, you want to "warn" people, but still, you dont have proofs!

I don't even see it in terms of "proofs"... I simply don't think the job of this website should be to "warn" anybody. If one is stupid enough to buy a pup without doing the proper research about health, genealogy, temperament, reputability of the breeder and so on, well... he/she deserves what he/she gets (a mix, an unhealthy dog, a dog with bad temperament or whatever).

The problem in my opinion is at a higher level. In some countries pedigrees are delivered too easily, dogs can be bred without any requirements, people can become "breeders" without any proved knowledge, there is no control over the activity of the breeders and on the litters that are registered and one can basically do whatever he/she wants. I don't think this website could fix this mess, nor should it try to replace the parties whose responsibility is to avoid or solve this mess (FCI, breed clubs etc).
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Old 21-06-2012, 15:44   #188
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Originally Posted by leila View Post
if i choose a breeder, who you "dont like" (sorry for the words), without reason, there are no his litters. and that is realy sh*tty. why? because it makes no sence to NOT display the litters. the litters are born, have pedigree,... so why do not show them? realy stupid.
I do not agree leila. I think it is fair. I worked on the database for YEARS - I spent my money and my time ( a lot of them). And I know the feeling to being abuse by so called "breeders". If the lazy breeder who is advertising litters on Wolfdog is collecting the money (in many cases they are making pure business - some of them even work - they maintain their families with the money raised with selling the pups) and such person do not even want to spend 20 MIN!!! to collect the puppy names and all data needed for the database - such people should NOT BE ADVERTISED here.
Why? If the breeders do not send the data who makes it - who collect the data? The clubs NEVER send any official data - at least I NEVER get any official information before even if the club(s) promised us to do so.

So it is the work of "usual" breeders/owners who collect the information. They make it for free - they send even the data of their ENEMIES (because they really love the breed). sorry but it would be not fair if such people would have to work much more then the lazy people who will collect PURE money for it.

The rule was always VERY clear and I know it didn't changed: if you send the data your kennel name and litters will be advertised. CLEAR and EASY. It is really so hard to send the FEW NAMES?

I know that last time there is additional rule because of the problems in the Hungarian, Italian, Finish and French kennel clubs. There are to many fake litters born and the kennel clubs have no control.
In this case I also think it must be finally solved on the official way and finally the origin clubs or the owners community should make any legal steps against the breeders/countries. Because it is getting worser and worser.

Originally Posted by Fede86 View Post
If one is stupid enough to buy a pup without doing the proper research about health, genealogy, temperament, reputability of the breeder and so on, well... he/she deserves what he/she gets (a mix, an unhealthy dog, a dog with bad temperament or whatever).
It is no so easy. Look on the example France - even EXPERIENCED breeders who breed there CsW for years already are writing here that the dogs which were mentioned here are purebreed even if it is for us OBVIOUS that the dogs are MIXES with FAKE pedigrees.
The cheaters are GREAT LIARS. They can play great responsible owners - some of them are even members of the boards/breeding committees of the CsW clubs. No - if even the "experienced" owners/breeders are being lied by them then lets say it openly: "beginners" have no chance to make good choice. Or even to buy a purebreed dog.
Although I hope that soon if will be solved by FCI - it is their obligation to guaranty that the FCI pedigree respond with the reality.

BTW: My idea is to change the description of the Italian dogs. Yes, it is true that Foresta Incantata and Passo del Lupo (and some kennels who use their dogs) breed Saarloos-CsW mixes and register them as pure CsW. But as far I know the ENCI have it under control - there is no danger that any of those kennels will make fake litters and sold those dogs with other pedigrees because it can bee easily solved on the legal way already in Italy.

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Old 21-06-2012, 15:55   #189
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Originally Posted by leila View Post
and the thing with ? and !. please, realy. it is too funny and too crazy to have nearly hlaf of dogs in database with this mark.
I have also next question: why only Passo del Lupo and Foresta Incantata are marked as mixes. In many cases even idiot can see in France dogs which are OBVIOUS AWD/CsW mixes. They not even RESEMBLE Czechoslovakian Wolfdogs. Why those dogs are marked and "?" and "!" or similar and not as MIXES?!?!

On the other side - it seems the "war" is working. The Czech and Slovakian club will test officially the "Y"-litter of Crying Wolf (although I was pretty surprised because I was hoping that the Czech breeder will report her own dogs (as they come from the suspicious litters of Crying Wolf) and not the dogs of other breeders but I hope it will be also done in the future).

I doubt if the Hungarian club will make anything. I see the same black future for France - also there the will to fix the pedigrees and to punish the cheaters. But I think it is still possible to clear at least the air in some countries.

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Old 21-06-2012, 16:00   #190
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PS - I would also like to as for the database/gallery update as I would like to add (many) photos take during the meetings/shows/bonitations....

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Old 22-06-2012, 13:17   #191
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Originally Posted by z Peronówki View Post

It is no so easy. Look on the example France - even EXPERIENCED breeders who breed there CsW for years already are writing here that the dogs which were mentioned here are purebreed
"Experienced" does not mean "reputable", and I think any buyer, "beginner" or not, should keep that in mind.

Originally Posted by z Peronówki View Post
even if it is for us OBVIOUS that the dogs are MIXES with FAKE pedigrees.
But that's the point, the cases we can judge, since it seems it's not possible to thoroughly test all the involved animals for DNA, are the OBVIOUS ones, those that don't need proof, just as we wouldn't need any proof to say a Saint Bernard is not a Maremma Sheepdog... Don't get me wrong, I totally agree with marking these dogs.

But what about the others? I personally don't see the point in warning people telling them that this or that dog "may be mixes" because the breeder has an history of mixing or using mixes, intentionally or not, in their breeding program. We can underline the FACTS (look, this breeder produced some obvious mixes), but I believe we should leave the subsequent speculations to those who are looking for a pup to buy or for a stud dog for their bitch. We all have brains. Those who don't use theirs simply don't care and settle for the first affordable pup they find at a reasonable distance from home, but that's their problem. And then there are those who buy a pup just BECAUSE it is a mix, but they don't need any warining

The point is, right now half of the CSW population is marked some way or the other, it's bordering the ridiculous and you know the effect it has in my opinion? It makes people disregard every single one of those "warnings" (even the legitimate ones) because at this point they look just like the product of some sort of paranoia. It makes you feel like nothing on that database is reliable anymore, it's just someone guessing and putting strange "marks" almost at random. I'm not saying it's like that, but that is definitely the feeling it gives me right now, and that probably would give to the "beginner" that may need direction in finding a good pup. I'm just saying that if I had to look for a pup right now I would simply ignore those "warnings" and try to decide with my head and my knowledge which litters deserve to be taken into consideration.

Last edited by Fede86; 22-06-2012 at 13:25.
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Old 10-07-2012, 21:12   #192
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Sorry, that is not right ...
We make only a database for males/females with breeding license!
The reason for it: all places you can look for stud dogs are not up to date.
We don´t want to compete with WD

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Old 13-07-2012, 00:17   #193
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Thanks for explanation Tanja! And I am very glad with all the affords for this update

But it is a pity that there is still no explanation of the admin of wolfdog about (_!_) and (-?-)….
I know some owners in the meantime did even let make a DNA profile, or did even make the test for the B-locus (inheritance brown colour) to prove their dog was not a (red) SWH mix (and did send the results to the admin) …
But nothing did change about their dog(s) in the database….

And also for me as a moderator there are “amazing” things to find in the data base…
For example a first litter has no marks, but the second litter of the same combination has marks like (_!_) or (-?-)….

As one of the moderators of wolfdog I know it is really huge work for the admin (as one of the volunteers) to update everything. And I don’t want to blame anybody!

But sometimes I (and probably other moderators) really don’t know any more what to answer on all questions of owners I receive, because I (we) also don’t know !
Vriendelijke groeten,

PS: I am not a moderator anymore!!
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Old 22-07-2012, 18:35   #194
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Margo, 2 questions.

http://www.wolfdog.org/site/dbase/d/375 Why Nancy is from "CzW-like mixes breeder"? She was born 15 years ago. If her breeder breeds crocodiles or elephants now - how it effects Nancy? Why people may think that Nancy is not pure-bred?

The second question. http://www.wolfdog.org/site/ru/dbase/kennels/RU The first 2 kennels does not exist. Please consult http://fci.be/affixes.aspx Why it is written that they breed according FCI rules? Because one "breeder" has admin's rights and is a friend of 2nd's "breeder? Or there are 2 mistakes which were made by mistake and will be corrected soon and we apologize and so on etc.?
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Old 12-08-2012, 18:40   #195
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I would like to ask, how should I add new dogs? Option "Add a new dog" does not work. Should I send an e-mail to admin, or is it better to write a PM or inform in some other way?
Thanks for the information
Walkiria Girios dvasia

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Old 12-08-2012, 19:57   #196
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Originally Posted by Vaiva View Post
I would like to ask, how should I add new dogs? Option "Add a new dog" does not work. Should I send an e-mail to admin, or is it better to write a PM or inform in some other way?
Thanks for the information
If it is for your gorgeous babies, I always (well, I have twice :P ) send an email with a table listing all the data - puppy name, sex, DOB, owner details, microchip number etc. I feel that all the information in one table might make Admin's life a wee bit easier - after all, my babies (in this case yours ) aren't the only pups needing entered. Following the next database update, all the information is there.
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Old 12-08-2012, 21:16   #197
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Originally Posted by Shadowlands View Post
If it is for your gorgeous babies, I always (well, I have twice :P ) send an email with a table listing all the data - puppy name, sex, DOB, owner details, microchip number etc. I feel that all the information in one table might make Admin's life a wee bit easier - after all, my babies (in this case yours ) aren't the only pups needing entered. Following the next database update, all the information is there.
Oh, I am blushing Yes, for my little ones So I guess it is more sensible to wait untill they have microchips and registration numbers and to send the information then - so that admin would not need to correct the information just for the registration numbers. No hurries Thanks
P.S. Do you use [email protected] e-mail?
Walkiria Girios dvasia

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Old 13-08-2012, 09:33   #198
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Originally Posted by Vaiva View Post
Oh, I am blushing Yes, for my little ones So I guess it is more sensible to wait untill they have microchips and registration numbers and to send the information then - so that admin would not need to correct the information just for the registration numbers. No hurries Thanks
P.S. Do you use [email protected] e-mail?
No need to blush

I am just saying that is what I have done - and yes, that is the address I used.
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Old 22-08-2012, 11:27   #199
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Dear admin,

when old serwer fall I nice please you change my web site adres in www.girios-dvasia.lt and email [email protected]

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Old 24-09-2012, 08:53   #200
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Some questions for admin
1 because my litters are not published?
2 because the results hd,ed,md,dwarf of my dogs are not published?
3 because they are not published the championships and working trials of my dogs?
Sarka Matrasova
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