Some information for the Americas, at least the USA (for imported dogs):
The official DNA-profiling accepted by UKC and required by AKC both is done through Neogene (formerly Scidera, formerly MMI Genomics). Neogene's DNA profile contains 13 genetic markers and 1 marker for sex. The markers tested are Neogene's own selections.
These profiles are NOT COMPATIBLE for parental verification for almost all DNA profiling carried out elsewhere in the world, which abides by the International Society of Animal Genetics ('ISAG') 2006 standard, including the profiles done at Antagene, Slovgen, et al.
In order to have a DNA profile that is possible to be verified to European predecessors at some future date if requested, it is necessary that the DNA profiles also be completed at an ISAG-standard laboratory. In the USA, this includes Veterinary Genetics Laboratory at UC Davis and Animal Genetics, Inc. (UC Davis) (Animal Genetics, Inc)