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Old 24-06-2011, 12:42   #1
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 583
Default MISSING credibility of the French pedigrees

Basing on the number of "strange" cases in France and the OBVIOUS cheating of the French pedigrees; basing on the number of 100% mixes (mongrels) born in this country. And taking into consideration the fact that the putting AWD in the breed was KNOWN and nothing has been done against it till now - and because the AWD mongrels spred in France more and more that at the moment only VERY FEW French kennels still breed REAL Czechoslovakian Wolfdogs I must ask about the credibility of the French pedigrees.

It seems that the French pedigrees are at the moment only a useless piece of paper which guaranty NOTHING. They do not even keep the the BASIC FCI rules about breeding pedigree dogs.

Till the case will be solved please DO NOT BUY ANY PUPPIES FROM FRANCE from the mentioned kennels or kennel which base on dogs coming from the AWD producers. If you are importing a puppy from France please ask on the forum if the puppy is purebreed because there are MANY known mongrels which are still not marked as "MIXES" in the database but will be listed soon or later (with the remark "DOG NOT FOR BREEDING).

If you like such type of the dogs please contact the American Wolfdog breeders or Saarloos breeders to get a puppy. Believe me - it is much cheaper than the AWD-cross with FCI fake CsW pedigree...
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