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Old 23-10-2002, 19:52   #11
Per Olav
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Default Norwegian situation - I'm a little bit

Hi everyone.

It's like a puzzle where some of the pieces are missing.

A friend of MaShiloh says: .I am from former Czechoslovakia and now living
in USA and I am very familiar with Ceskoslovensky Vlcak. This is a docile
and friendly
breed which was eliminated from breeding as a Czech border patrol dog for
the lack(!) of aggression. This was done by Mr. Ing. Jiri Novotny.

Pavel said something like this : I have been there ( a military dog
station) ten years ago, and met no dogs except seniors.

Przemek says: This conditions changed recently when the civilians began to
breed the CzW and the army was not longer interested in continuing the
breeding. However you should always have
in mind that for a few dozens of years this breed was developed by army in
regards to its working abilities.

I really should like to have a brief version of the complete story of the
CsW. When was it eliminated from breeding by the border patrol and why?
When did the civilian start to engage in breeding.
Who is Mr. Novotny, and what's his part of he story? It's really like a
puzzle. I supposed the story of the GSD was a complex one..... :-)

Per Olav
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