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Old 16-03-2010, 00:21   #1
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Default DNA storage and testsfor CsW's

Please can somebody translate this text?
Thanks in advance!

Possibility of international DNA storage and tests for CsW's

Currently, only a few DNA tests for genetic diseases in dogs of the CsW breed are available. Research is ongoing and we expect a lot more tests in the near future.
For example several laboratory's are working on DNA tests for PRA, Epilepsy, Cancer, HD in different dog breeds.

The owner/breeder of a dog can choose, which test he would like to have performed in his dog.

Until now, a breeder/owner had to submit a separate sample from his dog (EDTA blood or swab) for each individual test.

Recently, the possibility to store DNA isolated from dogs can be utilized to run a number of different genetic tests, even after some time has passed after submittal of the sample.

Every owner can send 2 ml EDTA blood of his CsW to the storage lab.
The lab will isolate and purify DNA, which can then be used to run an unlimited number of tests now and in the future! (in every lab an owner wishes)

How an owner can store EDTA blood of his CsW:
  • The dog owner can go to his vet with a blood sample form and a copy of the pedigree of his CsW.
  • A blood sample form of Laboklin is to download HERE (as pdf)
  • The veterinarian collects 2 ml EDTA blood, checks the chip and signs the blood sample form.

Blood and form are then send to:
Steubenstraße 4
97688 Bad Kissingen

After the lab has received the blood they will send an owner number and the bill with info to the owner.

The price:
  • DNA storage for 25 years can be offered for 33 Euro per EDTA blood sample. (Special offer for all CsW owners!)
  • This service includes a double DNA isolation as well as storage of the EDTA-blood sample.

How it works:
  • DNA is isolated twice from EDTA blood
  • The two isolated DNA samples will be stored at different locations for security reasons
  • Each DNA isolation results in approximately 100µl.
  • To run a genetic test, a volume of 5µl - 20 µl is necessary
  • That means that about 20 DNA tests can be performed from the stored DNA isolation.
  • If the number of tests is exceed, new DNA has to be isolated.
  • The costs for a such a new DNA-isolation are 16.50 (2 caps)
  • Additionally, Laboklin in Germany also stores EDTA blood (approx. 2 ml).
  • Therefore the number of DNA tests that can be performed is almost unlimited!

  • The owner remains the owner of the blood and DNA isolation of a dog
  • It is possible to just store EDTA blood and the DNA isolation without obligation for a test in this lab.
  • The owner can decide which tests he wants to make.
  • There are no additional costs for using DNA destillation to perform a test (besides the normal test price)
  • Laboklin can send the DNA isolation of a CsW to a lab the owner chooses.
  • If the owner wants Laboklin to send the DNA-isolation to another lab, they only have to pay handling and shipping (depending on the country, weight, ...)

When an owner wants to perform a test of the stored DNA:
  • When the EDTA blood is stored at Laboklin laboratory, the owner receives an owner number.
  • When the owner wants to perform a test of the stored DNA isolation, he can send a request for the test with his owner number to Laboklin.
  • By email to [email protected] or by mail to LABOKLIN, Steubenstr. 4, 97688 Bad Kissingen, GERMANY or by fax to +49-971-7202995
  • When this test is available at Laboklin lab the owner only has to mention the name of the test
  • When the test is only available in another lab, the owner has to provide the exact name of the test and the complete address and info of the lab!
  • After a test is made, the owner receives the test result and bill from the lab that performed the test.

The price for a test:
  • Every test has a standard price in a lab, so it depends on the test.
  • There are no additional costs for sending DNA isolations for tests to Laboklin.
  • If an owner wants Laboklin to send the DNA-isolation to another lab, they only have to pay handling and shipping. (depending on the country, weight, ...).

Currently Laboklin has these tests available for CsW's:
  • DM (Degenerative Myelopathy) Price: 66 Euro
  • MH (Maligne Hyperthermia) Price: 50 Euro

Laboklin also can send DNA for the Dwarfismtest to the uni of Utrecht! Price 110 Euro (incl. shipping)

I hope we can make a start now with a kind of international DNA data base for CsW's, when we all store on the same place, while all owners remain owner of the DNA

And maybe then it is possible in future to make on this site a list of all CsW's with DNA storage?

When in future there are interesting test (for example PRA or epilepsy) or a lab needs blood for validation of a test for CsW, we can write about this on the forum.
And every individual owner can decide to cooperate or not.
Vriendelijke groeten,

PS: I am not a moderator anymore!!
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Old 17-03-2010, 12:21   #2
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Nech sa paci preklad:

Originally Posted by mijke View Post
Moznost medzinarodneho uskladnenia a testovania DNA pre CSV

Momentalne je dostupnych len niekolko genetickych testov na dedicne ochorenia u CSV. Vyskum vsak pokracuje a v buducnosti ocakavame viac testov.
Napriklad niekolko laboratorii pracuje na DNA testoch pre PRA, epilepsiu, rakovinu, DBK pre rozne plemena psov.

Majitel respektive chovatel psa si moze vybrat, ktore testy chce dat urobit svojmu psovi.

Doteraz bolo potrebne odoslat osobitnu vzorku (krv alebo ster) pre kazdy jednotlivy test.

Teraz je mozne uskladnovat DNA zo psov, ktora moze byt pouzita na vykonanie vacsieho mnozstva genetickych testov a to aj dlhsi cas po odobrati vzorky.

Kazdy majitel moze zaslat 2 ml vzorku EDTA krvi (tzv. EDTA krv - EDTA sa pouziva na zabranenie zrazania krvi a je vhodna na rozdiel od heparinu aj pre vzorky urcene na extrakciu DNA - pozn. saschia) svojho CSV do laboratoria pre uskladnenie. Toto laboratorium zo vzorky extrahuje a vycisti DNA, ktora sa potom da pouzit na velke mnozstvo testov ci uz ihned alebo aj v buducnosti! (v ktoromkolvek inom laboratoriu podla vyberu majitela)

Ako moze majitel uskladnit EDTA krv svojho CSV:
  • Majitel psa moze ist k veterinarovi s formularom ku vzorke krvi a kopiou preukazu povodu svojho CSV
  • Formular ku krvnej vzorke sa da stiahnut TU (ako pdf)
  • Veterinar odoberie 2ml EDTA krvi, skontroluje cip/tetovanie a podpise formular ku krvnej vzorke

Krv a formular su potom zaslane na nasledovnu adresu:
Steubenstraße 4
97688 Bad Kissingen

Po obdrzani vzorky laboratorium zasle majitelovi cislo a ucet s informaciami.

  • Uskladnenie DNA po dobu 25 rokov je ponukane za cenu 33 EUR za vzorku (specialna ponuka pre vsetkych majitelov CSV)
  • Tato sluzba zahrna izolaciu dvoch vzoriek DNA ako aj uskladnenie krvnej vzorky.

Ako to funguje:
  • DNA je dvakrat izolovana zo vzorky krvi
  • Dve vzorky DNA su potom z bezpecnostnych dovodov uskladnene na dvoch roznych miestach
  • Z kazdej izolacie DNA je priblizne 100µl vzorky.
  • Na geneticky test je potrebnych cca 5µl - 20 µl materialu
  • To znamena ze z jednej vzorky DNA moze byt urobenych okolo 20 genetickych testov
  • Ak je testov viac, je potrebne izolovat dalsiu vzorku DNA
  • Cena takejto dalsej izolacie je 16.50 EUR
  • Laboklin v Germany tiez uskladnuje zvysnu EDTA krv (cca. 2 ml).
  • Preto je pocet DNA testov ktore mozno vykonat takmer neobmedzeny!

  • Majitel ostava majitelom krvi aj DNA vzoriek z nej pripravenych
  • Pre uskladnenie krvi a izolaciu DNA nie je potrebne sa zaviazat k vykonaniu genetickych testov v tomto laboratoriu
  • Majitel sa rozhodne, ktore testy chce dat urobit.
  • Nie su ziadne dalsie poplatky za pouzitie DNA v genetickom teste (okrem ceny za geneticky test)
  • Laboklin odosle vzorku DNA do laboratoria podla vyberu majitela.
  • Za odoslanie vzorky DNA do ineho laboratoria sa plati len postovne a balne naklady (v zavislosti na krajine, hmotnosti, ...)

Ked chce majitel dat vykonat test na uskladnenej DNA:
  • K uskladnenej vzorke krvi dostane majitel od laboratoria Laboklin cislo.
  • Ked chce dat majitel urobit test z uskladnenej DNA, zasle poziadavku na test aj so svojim cislom do Laboklinu.
  • Emailom ([email protected]) alebo postou na adresu LABOKLIN, Steubenstr. 4, 97688 Bad Kissingen, GERMANY alebo faxom (+49-971-7202995)
  • Ak je tento test k dispozicii v laboratoriu Laboklin, majitel uvedie nazov testu
  • Ak je test k dispozicii len v inom laboratoriu, majitel doda presny nazov testu a presnu adresu laboratoria, kde sa ma test urobit!
  • Po urobeni testu dostane majitel vysledky a ucet od laboratoria, v ktorom bol test urobeny.

Cena genetickeho testu:
  • Kazdy test ma vlastnu cenu v laboratoriu v ktorom sa uskutocnuje.
  • Nie su ziadne dalsie naklady na zaslanie vzorky DNA do Laboklinu.
  • Za odoslanie DNA vzorky do ineho laboratoria plati majitel len postovne a balne. (v zavislosti na krajine, hmotnosti, ...).

CMomentalne su v Labokline pre CSV dostupne nasledovne testy:
  • DM (Degenerativna Myelopatia) Cena: 66 Euro
  • MH (Maligna Hypertermia) Cena: 50 Euro

Laboklin tiez moze odoslat DNA pre test nanizmu na Univerzitu v Utrechte! Cena 110 Euro (vcitane postovneho).

Dufam, ze mozeme zacat urcity druh medzinarodnej DNA databazy pre CSV, kde vsetci ulozime vzorky na jednom mieste, no vsetci majitelia ostanu vlastnikmi vzoriek zo svojich psov

A mozno potom bude mozne na tomto serveri uverejnit zoznam vsetkych CSV ktore maju vzorku v databaze?

Ak v buducnosti vznikne zaujimavy test (napriklad PRA alebo epilepsia) alebo laboratorium potrebuje vzorky pre validaciu testu pre CSV, mozeme o tom napisat na fore.
A kazdy jednotlivymajitel sa moze rozhodnut ci bude spolupracovat alebo nie.
(Sasa Zahradnikova)
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