hah, first - this new database is wrong. I should return my Akia - female, because she is a male in this database
but another thing. we - slvoakian club for csw breeders are creating our own, but only based on offitial results. it will be for imported and in slovakia born dogs. it will have also some "special" issues

info about the dogs, that is offitial - like xrays, bonitation code - so our terms for studs and also optional results like DM, DW,... but we will include the contact on owner too. this is bacause many dogs are just lost in someones garden and maybe in future he will be needed for breeding. we also need dogs from foreign, but born in slovakia. it will be international, so also other people can have a look there, but not the complete one. that will be for slovakian breeders first.
it will be surely not so big as wolfdog, but lets say it like this - there can not happen, that male is female or wrong bonitation code or any MIX in name. only certificated and werificated info will be there. people can sent us info per formulars info about the dogs, but we will check it first. we will insert dogs since wolves in breeding, so it will be big and lot of work, but... it is worth to do this.