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Old 08-04-2013, 18:53   #11
z Peronówki
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Originally Posted by Alissea View Post
Update your information and not cooperate with breeders who sent you the information and the only thing you're doing, how all gossiping about everywhere.
I think you mistook Daiva with someone else. If you are looking for the biggest liars and goosip spreaders - get in touch with the new Czech breeding comittee. You will find them there...

Originally Posted by Alissea View Post
Only your dogs are the best. Only you have the right to this server. Perhaps listen to the majority and stop to use it.
MAJORITY? I think you do not understand what is the GOAL of breeding of purebreed dogs. It is not to breed that same dogs as the majority because usualy there are tons of ignorants who breed dogs for money and who promote (only) their own dogs (of any reasons). In every breed "the majority" breeds average or poor quality dogs. So do not try to convince us to breed bad quality dogs only because other breeders do it....

The goal of breeding is to breed dogs which fulfill all this what is written in the breed standard. I have no idea why so many exactly Czech breeders and owners have such agressive reaction everytime I post words or pictures prepared by Hartl.....
Yes, I know there is a strong group of breeders in Czech Republic who will be happy if people would burn all the books written by Hartl so they would be able to promote their "Czech Shepherds" as the only perfect dogs. But we do not plan to make their aspirations to destroy this breed so easy...

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