Vila your dog is under your nose, Tana is under other dog really do not see the difference?! Take yourself another dog, older, more experienced and you will learn you can't teach a dog nothing. Is nothing about your human mentality is about wolfdog mentality. I try to be nice too, i am not a bad person , just i think in another way than you, sorry, so please watch this :
I am sorry, i really must go to sleep now, here is close to midnight. Those are the ancestors, the wolfdog behavior about pack is the same, i can see that in the behavior of my puppy with other 3 dogs even if it is at the beginning. I am happy that i have my little pack of 3 girls and i think Tana is well teached outside house, better than i can do it inside. I hope you understand me after you will watch this and i will be honored to see your photos. In fact we all love our wolfdogs, even if they are little devils or not

. Good night or a nice day to you.