Ahahhahahah, you informed yourself about Vlcaks through Wikipedia?! Aahahhaha, you just proved my point. Of course puppies will make mistakes. We don't have a big back yard, so our Vila has to be walked and exercised and learn new things every day for several hours, so she learned and now she is calm indoors and isn't a problem. Adult dogs don't poop in houses if they only have little respect for you and are being walked regularly. A lot people live with dogs in houses, you think all of them have poop laying around and dogs do their business all over the place? You are very disillusioned it is almost sad. Of course you can keep you dogs outside, just the reason is silly! What an expert. You maybe had dogs for 14 years locked outside, but sadly that only makes you an owner. Having lived with Vila i'm her teacher and companion. How can you ignore all posts here, not only mine, but also this nice picture from avgrunn. Everybody here is trying to tell you, you are missing out, also you dogs are. Please don't be angry, just try to understand this point of view. I didn't like poop and chewing also, but I was persistant with training. I know your puppy is also hard to handle now, maybe when she's a little older and calmer at least give her a chance for few hours every other day and teach her house rules, maybe you'll be surprised.
About the video, we all saw it, we all know Vlcaks are a working breed, but still it doesn't prove they don't like to rest with their human pack. I'm doing canicross, gonna try skijoring now because Vila loves running with other dogs. She thinks she's in a pack

what are you planning to do with your puppy?
Think happy thoughts,