There is no such thing as a Czechoslocakian Shepherd, end of story. I know German Shepherds were at one point called Alsation Wolfdogs. But a German Shepherd is now more correctly a dog as there is no recent wolf heritage in them, well not as recent as CzW anyway.
I haven't asked for photos, but I saw people on the forums have asked multiple times and you never produced them. Again, seems fishy. But why are you so private? What are you hiding?
I'm simply bringing this up as you quite obviously are liening or making out you owned something that was related to Czw, when its wasn't. If you're going to do that, atleast don't call them a Czechoslocakian Shepherd, when Czechoslocakian Shepherds are known to be what misleading breeders call they're German shepherds that were born in former Czechoslovakia. You claim they have czw in them, which is most likely lies, not only because I know what Czechoslocakian Shepherds are, but because there is no record of the military supplying czw stock to breeders, so they could basically breed them back to German Shepherds thus basically creating German shepherds again.
Also regarding the email you sent to the breeder, if I'd been him I would of ignored you as well. You asked if the pups would be desexed! obviously you know nothing about the breed, the best time to bring home a pup is 8 weeks, as this is when they are at a good age to leave their parents and settle in to a new family. If they leave later than that, you'll have all sorts of fitting in problems. We got our male at 8 weeks and our female at 4 months and I can tell you now, if we hadn't already had our male there, she would not of fitted in well at all, atleast not In the short term. So to suggest that the breeder has the pups desexed before 8 weeks clearly shows how ignorant and irresponsible you are. Good thing you were ignored.
Last edited by Wolves; 11-12-2012 at 14:26.