Originally Posted by Ligerwolve2
Why dont you answer my questions first?
Second, nice lol. Ok Im not going to give out sensitive information of where my dog came from but yes she is what people refer to as a wolfdog. As in a breed that was a cross of wolf to GSD. They have been breeding for nearly as long as the CzW but for working dogs. You are aware that there is a working dog register here in Australia?
Yes they are very responsible. They have to be. More responsible than most breeders and certainly put in more effort than the breeder of your pups I can assure you. Careful genetic testing was carried out.
You wont find anything about them online by the way. I wouldnt bother. Whether you believe me or not is besides the point. You know there is a term for people who defend their own actions by redirecting. My dog isnt in question. My dog was never bred from EVER. I never claimed her to be anything then what she is. I have her papers that detail everything but no I wont share them with you
I dont need to. Im not breeding.
If you would like to ask about the GSDs I do breed go ahead.
Slander LOL. You keep throwing that around but you cant take some one to court over repeating what you said publicly. The breeder said they COULD be crosses. The breeder said that and has not said otherwise. So yes they could be pure but they may not be.
I think you have 0 understanding of breeding. Or of the sheer number of dogs PTS every single day. One stat says 20, 000 animals. A responsible person cares about where the pups end up. A responsible person cares about the dogs they breed and the suffering an animal can go through because of genetic disorders.
Yeah you should listen because all you have demonstrated so far is that you dont care where they came from only that you got what YOU wanted NOW. Your dogs do not have papers. You cannot say they are CzWs for sure. Only cross. Thats what happens when you rush and put your desires above the dogs you claim to love. No better than buying a pup in a pet shop.
If the dogs are pedigree where are the papers? From what I understand there are non.
There is alot to be desired and I suggest you go read DOL a bit more. I dare you to go there and ask the same question LOL. Ive tried to be nice to you but what ever 
It's ravens spirit in Germany that can sue as they've been publically accused of fraud and mixing by some people on this thread WITHOUT EVIDENCE.
My dogs don't have papers? Yes they do. How would you know anyway. The info has even been posted onto the wolfdog database.
Also your so called "wolfdog"/"czechoslovakian shepherd" is nothing but deception. I'm experienced with these so called Czech shepherds, all they are is German shepherds, probably being exported out of Czech Republic or Slovakia. I don't know how you think they have foundation Czw stock in them, were breeders of them supposed to have gotten the stock from the military? If its not lies it wouldn't be so private. There is nothing "top secret" about dog breeding unless you're trying to hide something.
I find it very arrogant of you to constantly question me. When I've provided photos, I've provided links to the pedigree and explained myself. You however claim to have owned some possible mix or just normal German shepherd, called it a wolfdog, said the name was a czechoslovakian shepherd (which doesn't even exist) and then won't even show pictures, or tell any information about them because its "private". Well making it so very "private" seems like a good way to not let people know about yours or the breeders lies.
Also I understand you enquired about owning one of these Czechoslovakian Wolfdogs and it never went through? I guess the breeder was just selecting for responsible owners.