Originally Posted by tupacs2legs
they need a tired mind not just tired body...so more training and trick solving and mental stimulation is what's needed,also u have to be carefull with a young large breed pup with how much and what kind of exercise they have.
Csv's seem to self regulate so don't often use all their energy up anyway,they always have some in reserve  and also u will just end up with an ultra fit dog so its kind of a no ended road 
Completely agree
I remember when Uro was a puppy it was impossible to tire him physically, he could run, jump, play with dogs, annoy me

for hours, afterwards he needed only 20-60 minutes for a sleep and then he could do it all over again

. But after mental exercises he needed some more time to recharge his batteries (around 2-3 hours). Only after a year he calmed down, he just got used to me and my way of spending days. But nowadays he still tires mentally not physically

So treadmill is just a waste of your money.
About Milan, I used to watch his show, kind of believed in all that but since I've got Uro I can see that those methods are just pointless and cruel. This is just my opinion.