Originally Posted by Ligerwolve2
Sorry I dont see the issue.
A new breed in the making with open stud books needs new blood. They SHOULD use dogs with a known history. So health and temperament is easier to predict.
How do you think the CzW came about? Careful crossbreeding.
I only hope you're joking

Comparing that unfortunate amateur cross to a carefully designed several-year-long scientific project, where massive funding, conditions for hybrid training and selection + cooperation with dog trainers, top specialists in kynology, veterinary and biology, etc. were secured, in my opinion is a sign of ...ignorance.
No early hybrids in PS kennel in former Czechlovakia were let into private hands. Early experiments to let the CSVs live in private homes occured after a few generations of careful
selection. Here the litter is advertised as any other.

How can you be so naive as to speak about new breed creation?
BTW Where are Stephanie's diplomas in genetic studies or veterinary or biology? Where is the team of people ready do train and test the pups, to make selection decisions and neuter the pups that do not meet the expectations? How much experience does Stephanie have in dog training or breeding? How many healthy, typical pups has she bred? Where are the exam results of her dogs and dogs carrying her kennel name? And last, but not least:
has Slovakian Kennel Club, the guardian of the breed, agreed to use a pure CSV in such "experiment"?
I'm not sure what the legal situation in the Nethereland is, but in Poland such kennel would be banned from the FCI National Kennel Club, the female used for unethical breeding would legally become a mongrel i.e. could not participate in dog shows, or be bred on in the future - i.e. her litters would not be registered. What's more - the female could never be re-registered in another FCI affiliated KC member's name in the future. In other words - even if the "experiment" failed, the breeder would lose forever a nice female for honest, ethical breeding. Very risky enterprise!
Not to mention that she would lose trust and credibility of decent and honest CSV breeders all over the world, which is really hard to be regained.