Originally Posted by Rona
I'm sorry, but I only very politely, using a phrase: why don't you..., advised a breeder to display info about his dogs in a more efficient way. In return I was called a thief.
It's not my fault that some people want to fight all the time, even without a reason. 
Yes politely maybe, but your goal was different...
The problem i described is always the same, and many many many members complain about it.
The database is full of mistake because some members are disappointed and don't give any more information ... so some people which can change database make errors, and sometimes invent information, or finally choose to steal any information (false or not), like photos !
The better way should be to have a good behaviour to all members, forget maybe that some administrators or moderators are friend of some breeders and enemy from others ...
... that could be a way to refind a database with real and true informations.
If someone want any information about the dogs i talked about ... how it acts ?
Does he call the old owner of the dog because he has got a false information in the database ?
(it is only a small sample from the problem encountered)