Originally Posted by Nebulosa
For people living in europe, I guess that travelling is the best way.
I know some breeders who used the IA in their females and was everything ok, they had a nice litter and so on, but what I noticed is that when the breeder turn the IA as preference the quality of the chosen stud fell.
I could see several people chosing the stud dog, not because of their bloodline or because how his blood could improve the breed in their country, but because of the fact that the owner accepted to send the semen of his dog for IA.
Just remembering here that most of the good stud dogs are not with breeders, but with mere owners who maybe, have no idea about how precious for the breed their dog could be, or who simply does not care for dog breeding, perhaps people who just does not want to have extra work by helping breeders to use their pet dog in breeding. 
But the problem is even worse because of travelling. People mate dogs because the stud is more accessible. For example, for me a trip to Poland will be 6000km by car... with the dog! (yeah, I know, you made even more but generally speaking... no one would do it)
With IA we could choose THE RIGHT dog. Still, I don't know what it takes... is it expensive? Complicated process? Any breeder here sent semen abroad?