For the an American
When I went to Poland and the Czech Rep. back in 2009, I 100% fell in love. With the people, the land, history, THE DOGS, food...everything. It was beautiful...exquisite. I had read (and heard warnings from other Europeans) about the condition of Polish roads...and found them to be in much better condition than the roads where I live (to be sure, I am waiting on my neighbor with a tractor to help fix the huge holes in my dirt road right now

). I've traveled to Romania several times throughout the years too (my sister was adopted from there in 1991, and I also did work with NGO) - I found things to be the same there - awesome! Quite honestly, if I thought I had the tiniest chance of mastering the language to get a job, I think I would pack my bags and move to central Europe. Or at least visit a lot more. But I have many mouths to feed and no increase in my salary in 4 years. I can't afford it. I am cash strapped. My state and town are too cash strapped to pay me or fix my least I still have a job (teaching). And I promise to breed no mixes.
Whatever the case with DDR dogs, if they mixed or not, I honestly have no ideas or proof about it, it's really like comparing apples and oranges. Whatever happened back then, government breeding is done with working purpose, with a lot of sacrifice of dogs back in the early days, and with a high selection. You see many Mal/Dutch and Mal/Shepherd (and even lately have seen some Rottweiler/Mal crosses!) being trained here with the police depts. and military - I have a higher opinion for this kind of mixed breeding than "designer dog" breeding - and I'd hardly say it's because our military is cash strapped.

They probably pay $20000+ for these dogs. Not the same as people who breed mixes to sell more puppies and make money, or to try to give an "edge" for their dogs in the show ring. It's a totally different spectrum in many ways.