Originally Posted by ArImInIuM
mais pour qui il se prend ???? Pour insulter ainsi tous les eleveurs francais ????
but for who he takes?? To insult and all french farmers??
Originally Posted by Jet
Admin, words are important. There is in France a lot of clean breeders, with pure CSV lines.
Please let the others French breeders out of your hunt. All beautifull french dogs are not mixed, you know?
@Martial & Fabrice, please moderate your Admin.
P.S. Best regards from France, to every CSV lover, all around the world.
Originally Posted by vero et sa meute
et bien les eleveurs francais sont des "MERDES" mais demander qu'on achète plus en france pathétique
désolée je traduis pas comme lui je fais pas d'effort 
Originally Posted by plongeuse
Admin, do you realize what you write? French breeders produce all the shit! Bad breeders or apprentice sorcerers exist in ALL countries! So it's not because you suspect certain breeders, that you have criticize the entire French production! Be careful Admin, your words can cause great harm !!
All of them... all of them... all of them...
You all missed this part
Originally Posted by Admin
France more and more that at the moment only VERY FEW French kennels still breed REAL Czechoslovakian Wolfdogs I must ask about the credibility of the French pedigrees.
And that's a sad truth, very few kennels still breed real CzW, the main problem is in france and for what we can see responsible breeders and people which is getting affected by these mixes are only waiting the time pass, the breeders give up on breed mixes and keep their own work without bother for all situation.
If we put it together with the fact that when we read French forum about these mixes the main thing we can see is "Admin is jealous, people is jealous, all the world is jealous, my dogs have DNA LALALALALA I cant hear you all, my dog is immune as it have DNA, they are nice wolfish dogs then they are good to the breed, jealous jealous jealous", the credibility gets completely lost.