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Old 25-06-2011, 18:45   #5
vero et sa meute
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A la mode anglaise merci reverso je reprends votre post sur le forum anglais histoire de continuer ici aussi (ah désolée je ferais pas d'efforts perso pour cet écrit)

CERTAINLY NOT FOR GOD it would come out ariminium when has you mr the administrator(director) to dare to question chaa' rey charushila of the domain of the black passo del lupo coomb and spood dumbiera, to dare to question delco said hu' nass about the domain of the black coomb which measures has More of 70cm in the withers and the lineage have ca is going to make still some hay all this Mollynière de l' Oscale and passo del lupo and said I opposite and on a boxing ring that my dogs are shit but clearly the tests are very present thus to arreter to take you for the cat's whiskers and to look at what you take(bring) out before saying that eleveurs francais makes some shit ......................... seriousness take(go,bring) out with your dogs go to make a tour(ballot) in bit ca is going to make you think about the fact that has to be a Czech really
:twis ted:

Ps ===== > reassure I you really know the race?????

best regards
le jour ou le loup entrera dans chaque foyer, que l'homme n'en aura plus peur, qu'il le respectera comme son egal et non comme un rival, l'humanité comprendra la nature et la protegera ....."
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