Scientific article on the pros and cons of spaying and castrating dogs and cats I got from another pet forum

As for my own opinion, I have seen far too many irresponsible people to have your point of view, Ina. I may be disillusioned, but I feel that with as many "accidents" I've seen, and with as many behavioral problems that neutering could help fix as I've seen, I definitely feel that any dog that isn't working or showing and going to be bred in the future should be fixed. With such a pet overpopulation, and with all the problems with people irresponsibly breeding mixed dogs, I just wouldn't feel comfortable selling a dog without either a co-ownership clause or a spay/neuter clause in the contract. As the breeder, it's your responsibility if the person you sell a puppy to has an "Oops" litter. I guess I just don't have as much faith in humanity as you do!