Thanks Rolf!

The test results of your dogs will be visible at the Wolfdog health site at the end of this week
Beside your dogs were also
11 in Holland registered CsW’s tested. This owners did use the blood sample form of the Dutch CsW club.
And on this form is that the results will be send to the secretariat of the club for publishing.
So I did wait a while for these results of the club, but till today I did not receive anything
I also did hear of the university that several people did not agree with publishing the info of the test results!

So the info was only send to the owners.
So the tests of these owners are worthless for the CsW breed!!

It is very, very sad and stupid, that there are owners who are making (expensive tests) and keep the results secret.
I hope in future the dwarfism test will be accepted and obligated by kennel organisations. So the results of this test will come, just like HD results, on the pedigree of offspring!