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lugardopoco 07-06-2009 20:41

Aron Sokolí Oko, Hevia da Nobreza Branca and Ynu Amy do Lugar do Poço played the role of wolfs in a commercial made to show the environmental concerns of the portuguese electricity company in TV broadcast.
In spite of the commercial purposes, the commercial is a fine thing to see and hear.
Take a look:

saschia 08-06-2009 09:46

not much of them is seen, but nice anyway... Good luck in Portugal ;o)

Mikael 08-06-2009 23:05

Nice and good quality. :thumbs for CsV as movie wolves, Auuuuuuuuu- :wolf

Regards / Mikael

lugardopoco 15-06-2009 01:03

Behind the curtain.
A little bit more to see. The “making off” the commercial. I must explain that the otter escaped during the shoots and the divers took 3 hours to recover him among waterfalls and rocks.

Mikael 15-06-2009 18:28

Thanks again :)

wow it takes a lot of time, people and money to make even a small move 8)
How many day’s did you film totally ??? and how many people was involved ???

Best regards / Mikael

lugardopoco 17-06-2009 00:32

We started the takes at 10 am until 4 pm. Only with a lunch break and, of course.. the time the divers took to recover the otter. That time was only for the dogs shootings. We know that they took more several days and nights for the rest of the takes.
About the people, we have no idea of how many. Only for the “wolfs” shootings it took 20 technicians. In the “backstage” there was a whole big “army”!
And all of that for only a few minutes long commercial.
In Portugal we have a saying: “It seems that the mountain gave birth to a mouse!”.

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