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-   -   Things to be added to the database... (http://www.wolfdog.org/forum/showthread.php?t=25881)

*Satu 30-11-2009 20:28

X-ray results: Bono z Holstejna
And some HD results comming from Poland whitout x-rays??
This dog doesn´t have x-rayed but time is next week and we can read results before x-rays :shock: GREAT! Thanks anyway! Where I can pay in this result?

I hope this wd database have all x-ray results in to document :roll:


massimo 30-11-2009 21:15


Originally Posted by *Satu (Bericht 258862)
And some HD results comming from Poland whitout x-rays??
This dog doesn´t have x-rayed but time is next week and we can read results before x-rays :shock: GREAT! Thanks anyway! Where I can pay in this result?
I hope this wd database have all x-ray results in to document :roll:

maybe you will come to Italy to make xrays so it's obvious the dog is D anyware else.
It's called super efficiency: hd D dogs in another country are A or B in Italy so better but the RIGHT result before xrays are even made!

who is Anita? I think Anita is Admin!! :lol:
Or Admin is Anita?
Or Admita is Anmin?

z Peronówki 30-11-2009 21:18


Originally Posted by *Satu (Bericht 258862)
And some HD results comming from Poland whitout x-rays??
This dog doesn´t have x-rayed but time is next week and we can read results before x-rays :shock: GREAT! Thanks anyway! Where I can pay in this result?

Sorry but I have no idea what "Poland" and "Breeding Regulations Poland " have to do with your post. You should post it in "Administration" (I hope the moderator will move it)... :roll:

Hanka 03-03-2010 14:51

Things to be added to the database...
Hi all admins,
I have question. Can WD show us results of ED too?
You have datas from us about ED, but nobody can see it. For me it is not so important like HD result, but when people send you ED too, we want see it too.
Do you plane any change on WD database about it?
Thanks Hanka

wolfin 03-03-2010 16:47


Originally Posted by Hanka (Bericht 284473)
Hi all admins,
I have question. Can WD show us results of ED too?
You have datas from us about ED, but nobody can see it. For me it is not so important like HD result, but when people send you ED too, we want see it too.
Do you plane any change on WD database about it?
Thanks Hanka

Hanka ED results exist and moore few year. I make ED in 2003 to my first wolfdog and this are publish in WD. Why You not see this i not know but this are in alls dogs info.



Hanka 03-03-2010 19:47

I know. I mean this window:
There is place for publicing HD and Ed resluts too. And people will not open page with info about every dog separatelly.

elf 03-03-2010 20:16

You can play with the stat tool ("Find breeder"), all infos gathered in one page for breeders, some exemples:

Rimaityte, Daiva (Girios dvasia) : http://www.amicale-chien-loup-tcheco...os%20dvasia%29

Kaufmanová, Hana (od Úhošt? ): http://www.amicale-chien-loup-tcheco...%C5%A1t?%20%29

Peron, Margo (z Peronówki) : http://www.amicale-chien-loup-tcheco...on%C3%B3wki%29

Soukupová, Monika (z Molu Es ) : http://www.amicale-chien-loup-tcheco...olu%20Es%20%29

- NB: the best way to use "Find breeder" is to type the last name (or its first letters), and then on the column BREEDER click on the desired breeder name, this would give the good match.

wolfin 03-03-2010 20:25


Originally Posted by Hanka (Bericht 284582)
I know. I mean this window:
There is place for publicing HD and Ed resluts too. And people will not open page with info about every dog separatelly.

but is problematik click in dogs name and see moore info and ED too? :) Yes can be, but for my not make problem and this who are now. maybe and others people not very interesing about ED, and not mas this info be in first page.

or used Elf method ( Elf You are great )

Hanka 04-03-2010 08:16

It is not, of course. But better is to see it on First seeing, when you open info about kennel, for example. You know, czech clubb will want ED from all dogs, so it can be nice to see it beside HD results. But if it is not possible.......So nothing.
Elf, thanks for info and "navigation", you are always more clever than much "PC amateurs" :lol::lol:

Rona 04-03-2010 09:56


Originally Posted by Hanka (Bericht 284671)
It is not, of course. But better is to see it on First seeing, when you open info about kennel, for example.

Be careful Hanka with asking for such "improvements", or you might be accused of witch hunting :rock_3:lol::lol::lol:

Hanka 04-03-2010 10:05

OK, thanks for advice :lol:

Mikael 05-03-2010 18:19


Originally Posted by Hanka (Bericht 284671)
You know, czech clubb will want ED from all dogs...

Hello Hanka

I just want to ask if ED is now a demand for breeding in Czech, just like HD ???

And I agree I want this info on the first page to if possible :)

Very best regards / Mikael

admin 06-03-2010 13:55


Originally Posted by Hanka (Bericht 284473)
Hi all admins,
I have question. Can WD show us results of ED too?
You have datas from us about ED, but nobody can see it. For me it is not so important like HD result, but when people send you ED too, we want see it too.
Do you plane any change on WD database about it?

Yes, we plan to include different reports (also the showing ED results) in the new prepared database.

Hanka 06-03-2010 18:25

Hi Mikael, in this moment no. But we want speak about it on next club conferention. I hope all breeding dogs in czech will must have ED too.

*Satu 12-06-2010 23:29

Stolen photos
Is very nice to see stolen photos in this site. Admin I hope you have permission to do that.

I have not given authorization to release the picture so could you please remove it? dog name is Basior Jantarowa Wataha.

Next time you can ask if you want to use my photos. See you in the facebook...;-)

Vaiva 13-06-2010 15:42

Sorry for the qestion, but... are you ashamed of your dog or what?.. :roll: I can't see any other reason to be so angry that a photo of your male is seen for other wolfdog owners :roll:

*Satu 13-06-2010 19:56

I`m not ashamed of the dog. It is a really good dog. (Thank you Ela!) Sooner I shame practices of this site. And image theft is a crime! Leave the matter to the police.

Mikael 13-06-2010 20:07


Originally Posted by *Satu (Bericht 307057)
I`m not ashamed of the dog. It is a really good dog. (Thank you Ela!) Sooner I shame practices of this site. And image theft is a crime! Leave the matter to the police.

I think at least one photo / dog is required if you want to be on the breeders listing. If admin take away the photo, he might also take you away from the breeders list ??? :roll:

Way do you not send some photos of your own, that you think are OK ???

But I understand and can agree, I do not want others to add photos on my dogs neither, aseptically not my own photos from my own site ;)

Best regards / Mikael

*Satu 13-06-2010 20:21

Why your girlfriend does not put even a grown one picture?

If Admin have time to stol pics in facebook she can take time to make real data, I think?

Why my dogs have HD results in WD.org? who have sendind copy of that paper?? not me....

Mikael 13-06-2010 20:40


Originally Posted by *Satu (Bericht 307064)

If Admin have time to stol pics in facebook she can take time to make real data, I think?

Why my dogs have HD results in WD.org? who have sendind copy of that paper?? not me....

Satu, I do agree it´s wrong to just take and put up a photo ;)

Is it the right or wrong HD result ??? :roll:

Best regards / Mikael

*Satu 13-06-2010 20:49

Wrong as usully...
My new puppy is not in my list and no pics...hmmm

Other breeders have taken contact about puppylist...and pics.
Updates take time I know but also it takes my time to put pics in this site. Sorry.

admin 15-06-2010 09:47


Originally Posted by *Satu (Bericht 306958)
Is very nice to see stolen photos in this site. Admin I hope you have permission to do that.

I have not given authorization to release the picture so could you please remove it? dog name is Basior Jantarowa Wataha.

Next time you can ask if you want to use my photos. See you in the facebook...;-)

Margo explained me the problems which the breeder has with this litter and why she don't want to have the photos of her puppies published - now it is also clear to me. I'm sorry for putting this photo online - I will remove it from the database during the next update.

*Satu 16-06-2010 00:01


Originally Posted by Admin (Bericht 307516)
Margo explained me the problems which the breeder has with this litter and why she don't want to have the photos of her puppies published - now it is also clear to me. I'm sorry for putting this photo online - I will remove it from the database during the next update.

I am not interested in people's personal conflicts or problems and I hope that they would not race ahead.

I received no reply mystical healthresult in wd??

GalomyOak 28-07-2010 16:44

Excellent work Admin! :o

*Satu 28-07-2010 22:46

Can you but my dogs back in my kennel....

Elys and Bono...haves wrong owner.

Juniorwolf 26-08-2010 15:39

What happened to owner of Uno & Xtreme z Molu Es ?

Why don`t they have any owner ?

Mikael 26-08-2010 17:07


Originally Posted by rolf (Bericht 321020)
What happened to owner of Uno & Xtreme z Molu Es ?

Why don`t they have any owner ?

I think No dog has any owner right now...

The database is under reconstruction.
If the breeder still owns the dog they bred, they are the owner, but if there is a new owner like you and me, we are not re-added yet.

Best regards / Mikael

Sherdor 26-08-2010 21:07


A lot of breeding kennel are deleted in France, as mine... and also owners data... Incredible, no way to contact people now...

Mine kennel is "Z Orel Ochrana".

I am part of the few french owners with bonitation made, sent some HD results, and i have active female in the kennel...

Do you have a good explanation of what appened with my datas ?

When i sent some informations about puppies... nothing is made...

I would like to know if you could change that in a few ...


Juniorwolf 27-08-2010 01:03


Originally Posted by Mikael (Bericht 321038)
I think No dog has any owner right now...

The database is under reconstruction.
If the breeder still owns the dog they bred, they are the owner, but if there is a new owner like you and me, we are not re-added yet.

Best regards / Mikael

Thats funny because all brothers and sisters of my dogs have owners...
and they should be just as "new" as I am !

robertomaggio 27-08-2010 11:48


Dear Admin
I'm Roberto from Italia owner of Storm Arimminum,Layla Zlata Palz,Anish Pura Gioia.I just sent you several e-mail but without any answer concerning my dogs and my kennel.
At this moment information about owner (I) of my dogs are missing.Is not possible to see that I'm owner and breeder of my dogs.
Please can you explane me reason and what can I do?
Thank you in advance

Mikael 27-08-2010 17:09


Originally Posted by rolf (Bericht 321072)
Thats funny because all brothers and sisters of my dogs have owners...
and they should be just as "new" as I am !

OK, that is strange :ehmmm

But I´m very sure they will add us again very soon ;)
And the missing kennels to.

Best regards / Mikael

draggar 27-08-2010 19:39


Originally Posted by rolf (Bericht 321020)
What happened to owner of Uno & Xtreme z Molu Es ?

Why don`t they have any owner ?

Because we don't own the dogs - they own us!! :lol:

Silvester 27-08-2010 19:45

Originally posted by Mikael:

"But I´m very sure they will add us again very soon ;)
And the missing kennels to."

I hope so very much too !

Best greetings , Silvester

AMERICANI 31-08-2010 13:07


Originally Posted by draggar (Bericht 321174)
because we don't own the dogs - they own us!! :lol:

ain"t that the truth!!! ;)

Sherdor 14-09-2010 21:40

I am still waiting for your answer about database ADMIN...

Are you able to list me as breeder right now ?

admin 16-09-2010 10:14


Originally Posted by Sherdor (Bericht 324095)
I am still waiting for your answer about database ADMIN...

Are you able to list me as breeder right now ?

I wrote special message for the moderarators on administation forum to spread the info between the users on all version:

One of the hard discs on the server crashed and we lost part of the datas. It caused that some breeders, stud dogs and owners has been removed.
It should work fine again soon when we will upload the new version of the database...

The information which was in the database before will appear there again. And all the problems will be fixed.

robertomaggio 18-09-2010 07:58

Dear Admin
thank you for this information.

Hanka 20-09-2010 20:13

Hin admin, (maybe Daiva?) Can you tell me why somebody gives on WD gallery something similar like is this foto? Why? Is it interest? Nice? Or what was target of it? I don´t understand.....

wolfin 20-09-2010 20:18


Originally Posted by Hanka (Bericht 325469)
Hin admin, (maybe Daiva?) Can you tell me why somebody gives on WD gallery something similar like is this foto? Why? Is it interest? Nice? Or what was target of it? I don´t understand.....

in this meeting I NOT make foto. And I not know who send foto in WD. for this I not can reply in Your question.

Morian 20-09-2010 22:27


Originally Posted by Hanka (Bericht 325469)
Hin admin, (maybe Daiva?) Can you tell me why somebody gives on WD gallery something similar like is this foto? Why? Is it interest? Nice? Or what was target of it? I don´t understand.....

dear hanka, can you explain what's wrong with this photo? :oops: i gave these photos, it's from our meeting in russia. by the way, congratulations, we made x-rays for wonderful and she's healthy :look2

Hanka 21-09-2010 06:45

Hi, now I see all is OK. It is NOT my puppy Wonderfull, but photo was in her gallery. Now it is out from her gallery. Thanks to somebody who removed it.
I am happy about her HD A result, thank you ;-)

Morian 24-09-2010 21:56

one more question to admin. how did these hd and ed results appear in database when this dog has no official or even unofficial evaluation? http://wolfdog.org/rus/dbase/d10531.html are some privite discussions enough to add all gossips to database? please tell me. some persons are sure that my farn has bad hd. let's add hd d or e to him, why not? ;) i'm guilty because this "info" came from my side. was it done to make liidia fight with me? we all know under what circumstances i told it. i'm very proud that my word can substitute official evaluation, but...

Mikael 25-09-2010 10:24

To Admin
Thanks for the latest update :) look´s like everything is back in order :thumbs

Excellent work, best regards / Mikael

buidelwolf 27-09-2010 23:14

And also the feature of calculating the COI is functioning again (breeding tool/puppy tool included); thanks for it! Unfortunately however (still) without the possibility of calculating on ALL generations, only until the 10th generation. beyond that, an error occurs. Admin: will the possibility of calculating on ALL generations come back?


Sherdor 28-09-2010 00:07

Thank you for the great work !

Hanka 30-09-2010 09:28

Database - please add
Hi admin, I have question: when I open some planned litter, I can see info about both parents. In past i could to see wright, % of wolf blood and ancestor loss coeficient. And now, when somebody works on new database- will we can see it again?
Thanks Hanka

simo 08-10-2010 21:26

Dear Admin,
i had clc since 1999, i breed this race with great results, i send you all the informations about my puppies and owners, i send you several hd results, i'm Fci breeder, i send you my news litters,i send you e-mail, but i don't understand why my kennel isn't in database (italia)...there are also several "pseudo breeder" instead.
Thank you for your answer.
Greating, Simona Olim Palus Kennel.

Vaiva 10-10-2010 16:35

Dear Admin :)
Few days ago I added some photos of Elroy van Hiemrod, but there is still no photo of this dog on the database... Did I do something in wrong way?.. :roll: Usually I succeed in adding photos, but seems like not this time :D :oops:
Thanks for the answer :)

Navarre 08-11-2010 10:11

Where is HD ?
May be I'm wrong, but in database when you see list of offsprings is only visible the bonitation code and not the hip display.

It's me remembering bad or something changed ?

Could be useful and nice a direct connection from photos gallery to database as it was in old days.

*Satu 06-01-2011 01:32

How long it takes again??
Why updating takes so long again?

Dogshow results from Finland? Planned litters?

buidelwolf 11-01-2011 00:09

Hello Admin,

Now that forum member Elf indicated he decided not to update his statistics tool anymore, when can we expect the puppy tool / inbreeding calculator (on all generations) of wolfdog itself in function again?
These are features that are unique and particularly useful for breeders; even essential as part of responsible breeding. It's dysfunctional for months now! Also dates the last update of the general database statistics area of 2008!

Wouldn't it be a fantastic idea to integrate the statistics tool of Elf into wolfdog? He has already offered his help!

Thanks in advance for your reply!

admin 12-01-2011 12:49


Originally Posted by buidelwolf (Bericht 350193)
Wouldn't it be a fantastic idea to integrate the statistics tool of Elf into wolfdog? He has already offered his help!

Of course it would be. The problem is that the Wolfdog database is no more developed (only updated from time to time). First in the new version there will be possible to make such changes....

buidelwolf 12-01-2011 16:40

Hello Admin,

Thanks for your quick reply; that sounds promising!

Can the regular inbreeding/puppy calculator of wolfdog itself not be repaired as an interim solution, as it always has functioned (on all generations) until several months? Or am I being too impatient and must we therefore also wait for the new version?

Kind regards

Mikael 15-01-2011 01:38

Wolfdog.org website crash !!!

Sad regards / Mikael

yukidomari 15-01-2011 04:18

Is it a crash? I thought it parts were down because of the announced database updates....

Mikael 15-01-2011 20:33


Originally Posted by yukidomari (Bericht 351210)
Is it a crash? I thought it parts were down because of the announced database updates....

No, it was a crash :cry:

But THANKS ADMIN for restore the Planned Litter in under 24h :klatsch

Very best regards / Mikael

Nebulosa 15-01-2011 21:02


Originally Posted by Admin
As you can see the site crashed. And it crashed in the worsest part of the year.

We will not reactivate it...

Instead of it we (are forced to) make a new Wolfdog.org but it will take time. In the next weeks we will add new system, new addons and in the end we will also make the new database. But it will last pretty long time.

What is working and will work is the forum and it will stay the only source of information exchange and the only place where we can communicate.

We will need your help. Many parts will need new translations - I will make whole underforum for needed translations.
New languages will be added - for 100% Portugal and Spanish. If you have other suggestions and if you know people who want to work on their "own" versions - please let me know.

Then.. we will have to wait.. but for a good sake. ;)

Mikael 16-01-2011 01:07


Originally Posted by Nebulosa (Bericht 351323)
but for a good sake. ;)

Absolutely !!! But at lest we still have the forum :0)

And the Planned Litter to :0) + info about Coming events...

It is (just) the Database that did crash, and there are backups on all data...
So I´m not that worried, in a few weeks all be as normal or even better :0)

We just need to be patient and understanding + helpful if we can...

In the mean time you can find the data here in elf´s statistic tool
>>> http://www.amicale-chien-loup-tchecoslovaque.com/cgi-bin/form.py

Very best regards / Mikael

Vaiva 17-01-2011 11:38

If there is anything any of us can help - please, don't stay silent.
I have some free time at this time of year 8)

*Satu 17-01-2011 14:24

Dear Admin <3 Can you also update my emil, adress and phone info.

jasmine 17-01-2011 15:17


Originally Posted by Mikael (Bericht 351353)
Absolutely !!! But at lest we still have the forum :0)

And the Planned Litter to :0) + info about Coming events...

It is (just) the Database that did crash, and there are backups on all data...
So I´m not that worried, in a few weeks all be as normal or even better :0)

We just need to be patient and understanding + helpful if we can...

In the mean time you can find the data here in elf´s statistic tool
>>> http://www.amicale-chien-loup-tchecoslovaque.com/cgi-bin/form.py

Very best regards / Mikael


I think the main value of this page is the database and not the planned litters...............
But now, as you will have pups of course your personal interest is this part....hahahahaha


Mikael 17-01-2011 21:08


Originally Posted by jasmine (Bericht 351584)

I think the main value of this page is the database and not the planned litters...............
But now, as you will have pups of course your personal interest is this part....hahahahaha


Nop Edit that is not it :lol:

but I´m happy that the forum, planned litter and coming events works !!!

+ I agree the data is nr 1, but the forum is the fun ;)

And as you did miss it... I give you the link again TO THE WOLFDOG,ORG statistic DATA >>> >>> http://www.amicale-chien-loup-tchecoslovaque.com/cgi-bin/form.py

Very best regards / Mikael

admin 18-01-2011 14:02

Yes, it will be done (if you sent it). Today the update will be done. Finally.

admin 18-01-2011 14:06

We are waiting for the new system - after it the work will start.

What we need at the moment are your (forum members') suggestions what was missing for you on the old page. ANY suggestion is welcome - not only about big parts but also about all details - it will help us to make the site better.

yukidomari 19-01-2011 01:16

Looking forward to the new wolfdog.org!

Here's a small thing I noticed: On the front page there is a Photo of the Moment. Whenever you click on that photo it brings you to a bigger version of the picture, and on top you can link to that dog's whole photo gallery. It would be nice if there were some way to add the link also from Gallery to the dog's database entry (with father, mother, HD results, etc etc) without going to "Find a Dog" and searching.

I know from the dog's database entry you can link to their gallery, but is it possible to make it from gallery to database entry, too?

Or maybe it exists, and I don't see it? :oops:

Also: Maybe a space to enter date of death and cause if known. Right now the red X just means the dog is deceased, but without a date or a cause.

*Satu 22-01-2011 10:03

No there is old info...

can you tell email addres where i can send all info again?
I have added new litter and new info there also I have sended email to [email protected]

nanouk 22-01-2011 17:33


Originally Posted by *Satu (Bericht 352662)
No there is old info...

can you tell email addres where i can send all info again?
I have added new litter and new info there also I have sended email to [email protected]

how hard is it to read? or is your involvement hear limited to your ego and announcements.


*Satu 22-01-2011 20:49

Aah you are Admin! Thanks any way! I don´t stay here 24/7 and I read only forum infos in my email, not in here. ;)

Mikael 24-01-2011 23:02


Originally Posted by yukidomari (Bericht 352020)
Looking forward to the new wolfdog.org!

Here's a small thing I noticed: On the front page there is a Photo of the Moment. Whenever you click on that photo it brings you to a bigger version of the picture, and on top you can link to that dog's whole photo gallery. It would be nice if there were some way to add the link also from Gallery to the dog's database entry (with father, mother, HD results, etc etc) without going to "Find a Dog" and searching.

I know from the dog's database entry you can link to their gallery, but is it possible to make it from gallery to database entry, too?

Or maybe it exists, and I don't see it? :oops:

Also: Maybe a space to enter date of death and cause if known. Right now the red X just means the dog is deceased, but without a date or a cause.

Yes, this two proposal are good things to add I think :0)
I have bean thinking on them to ;0) And I know other has to...

Very best regards / Mikael

Hanka 03-02-2011 10:00

Hi admin, please when you will have a little time, can you change main photos of these dogs?:
Zenith Od Uhoste

Y-Hati Od Uhoste

Xtraa Od Uhoste

Thank you very much.

Shadowlands 03-02-2011 10:50

And also for

Wolfy von Konigs-Terry


Many thanks :)

Hanka 09-02-2011 21:06

Hi admin, can you please change these main photos what I wrote you last time?
And- second question: I try to upload first photos of my fresh pups. Pups are in database (it looks). But when I send new-first photos to gallery I see they are not there. So: must I repeat it later? Or - are these photos somewhere in system and when will database work- will be photos in gallery? What I can do now?

wolfin 09-02-2011 21:13


Originally Posted by Hanka (Bericht 357576)
Hi admin, can you please change these main photos what I wrote you last time?
And- second question: I try to upload first photos of my fresh pups. Pups are in database (it looks). But when I send new-first photos to gallery I see they are not there. So: must I repeat it later? Or - are these photos somewhere in system and when will database work- will be photos in gallery? What I can do now?

I think You can upload photo in this http://www.wolfdog.org/drupal/lt/wolfdog/gallery-add
and photo search in this same photo gallery system. Later when fixed WD dogs have personaly photo id dogs page, like and this photo who you can a change.

Hanka 09-02-2011 21:16

I did it by this way.

Shadowlands 09-02-2011 22:54

I have the same problem too - I cannot add picture of some of the puppies, but can for others???:?

Hanka 13-03-2011 20:02

Hi admin, I have once again question to you: can you change main photo of my male Dero Sotis? Because main photo what is there now is really terrible. I wish this photo, thank you. I named this photo "main photo". (because in gallery is few similar photos).


Hanka 08-04-2011 14:00

up .......

pedrocalle 04-05-2011 18:29

There seems to me to be unacceptable the manipulation that is given and the justification that they give us. There continue appearing only the events that interest the administrators. Only the qualifications are added to the dogs that are interested and to the rest not.

Congratulations administrators, you are destroying in a little time what has been late many years in be creating.
The people already do not believe in this project. They give themselves litters and already they are not notified, there exist many dogs that already do not appear in database, dogs that deserve to be and they are not.
Soon they will be more those who do not figure in the list that that if.


wolfin 04-05-2011 18:32


Originally Posted by pedrocalle (Bericht 376238)
There seems to me to be unacceptable the manipulation that is given and the justification that they give us. There continue appearing only the events that interest the administrators. Only the qualifications are added to the dogs that are interested and to the rest not.

Congratulations administrators, you are destroying in a little time what has been late many years in be creating.
The people already do not believe in this project. They give themselves litters and already they are not notified, there exist many dogs that already do not appear in database, dogs that deserve to be and they are not.
Soon they will be more those who do not figure in the list that that if.


maybe a few people and not believe, or this who make a manipulation. from others all are good.
p.s. I am too from this people who have not actualised photo galery my puppy or not have results from dog show, but not cry :)

yukidomari 04-05-2011 18:38


Originally Posted by pedrocalle (Bericht 376238)
Congratulations administrators, you are destroying in a little time what has been late many years in be creating.
The people already do not believe in this project. They give themselves litters and already they are not notified, there exist many dogs that already do not appear in database, dogs that deserve to be and they are not.
Soon they will be more those who do not figure in the list that that if.


This is a purely voluntary project, done out of interest and consideration of CsV. Who are you to criticize this personal project?

If it should please you to create your own database, then by all means..

In the mean time, my dog is listed by an incorrect name, without an owner, and without any photos. But, I realize that sometimes there are more things to do than updating this site. If my information should ever be updated, I should be grateful. If not, not a problem.

The sense of entitlement boggles my mind. Admin is not accountable to me in any way; after all, I don't pay taxes to them, do I?

massimo 05-05-2011 10:18

this is a free site but also an open forum.
I believe it is one's right to express his feelings and disappointment, isn't it not?

I have similar feelings but don't complain, my life is miles away from any internet site... but i don't think we should repraise those who do complain.

Wolfdog.org is not anymore what it used to be, this is a fact.
Many old users (amongst which myself) offered to help if necessary.
Now all of this is not important anymore...considering the things happening in our breed... the whole wolfdog breed is, to my eyes, totally different to what it used to be.

pedrocalle 05-05-2011 16:15

Certainly that is a private project but since it influences? Much.
If someone wants to consult a copy it looks at the web and what it puts gives it good, and if a dog is champion and they do not put it the people do not believe it.
Entendería that there were failures, is normal, but what I do not understand is that alone it puts on the information that is interested and for the rest of information it is said that the web does not work. It is to lie.
I do not pay taxes ...... but this web is kept with private information mia, yours and of the others ..... neither they pay us truth?

yukidomari 05-05-2011 18:32

OK, you have right to your opinion of course.

I have faith someday soon WD will be running again and updated. :cool:

Morian 05-05-2011 18:35

if wolfdog is so bad as you say, what are you still doing here? :lol:

pedrocalle 05-05-2011 23:45


Originally Posted by Morian (Bericht 376438)
if wolfdog is so bad as you say, what are you still doing here? :lol:

This opinion has not gone out of my mouth.
What I try to say is that the page, the project and the idea is very good but the manipulation of some or some administrators it is bad

If I am mistaken please that someone explains to me ésto: If the web is broken and they cannot put information for what some information that interest some few ones if they enter?

pedrocalle 05-05-2011 23:50


Originally Posted by wolfin (Bericht 376240)
maybe a few people and not believe, or this who make a manipulation. from others all are good.
p.s. I am too from this people who have not actualised photo galery my puppy or not have results from dog show, but not cry :)

If nobody could update photos and information of my dogs I would not cry either
But ... if your you could not update information and I if, what would seem to you?

michaelundinaeichhorn 06-05-2011 09:17


Originally Posted by massimo (Bericht 376392)
... the whole wolfdog breed is, to my eyes, totally different to what it used to be.

Ciao Massimo,

good that you're still alive...
This is exactly my opinion and the reason why our next dog is a hunting dog, a Poodle Pointer.


Rona 06-05-2011 18:11


Originally Posted by pedrocalle (Bericht 376506)
This opinion has not gone out of my mouth.
What I try to say is that the page, the project and the idea is very good but the manipulation of some or some administrators it is bad

If I am mistaken please that someone explains to me ésto: If the web is broken and they cannot put information for what some information that interest some few ones if they enter?

Margo wrote it some time ago, so I'm only repeating: WD is not one entity. It consists of several tools: the database with certified info, which only the Admin can access, the forum, information section (which is broken - we cannot read the articles), gallery, etc. All these sections have to be compatible, but some data visible on the site do not come from the main database. That's why some show results/photos etc. are added earlier than others - they do not require operations on the "raw" database and are being updated by several people (moderators?:?) Contrary to what some of you say, data of wd owners' dogs and pups in the main database have not been updated since January either.:twisted:

At the moment, from what I gather, the forum is new and functioning well, but the main database is at the verge of total collapse. Unfortunately, building a new one, with all the new options, means a huge amount of preparatory work done by just one person in his spare time. Only then will it be possible to transfer the old info and add the new that is being continuously collected including results of genetic tests, etc.

To be honest, if updating the old database would carry the risk of its ultimate collapse I'd rather it remained the way it is until the new one is constructed, even if it takes several months. 8)
I don't understand why breeders cannot update their own sites, put links to them on WD in their profiles, signatures etc. and inform on the forum about their consecutive updates. This could be a reasonable temporary solution until the new database is completed.

BTW: It is clear that the obligations of the terms of cooperation are fulfilled by the Admin: adverts of the new litters appear regularly and are frequently refreshed.8)

I hope my explanations helped some of you grasp how the site functions. if not, I can only quote Morian:;)

if wolfdog is so bad as you say, what are you still doing here?

yukidomari 06-05-2011 18:16


Originally Posted by massimo (Bericht 376392)
the whole wolfdog breed is, to my eyes, totally different to what it used to be.

Hello Massimo - I am new to the breed relatively, so can you tell me what the differences are now and then?

Vaiva 06-05-2011 18:39


Originally Posted by yukidomari (Bericht 376602)
Hello Massimo - I am new to the breed relatively, so can you tell me what the differences are now and then?

Wanted to ask the same question :roll:

Rona, totally true about the webpages of kennels!
Peolpe do not find time/money/knowledge to update or create even their own sites (no info, no photos, no translations, no updates, no homepages at all), but this hudge database (a genius kind of work for me, as my knowledge in computers stops at building my own hardly working site :oops:) should work like a clock and have all the news added at once.
This is not for somebody personally, just a little observation.

On the other hand... The "deal" was: you give us all the info about your dogs and dogs from your kennel, we publish it here. So it is not strange that some people feel dissapointed or even tricked. Still, we all should understand, that creation and administration of such a database requires time and efforts. In this case there are some problems, not dependant on people, we should all have patience and wait for the New Born Database with (I hope 8)) new, better possibilities :beer

elf 06-05-2011 19:32


Originally Posted by Rona (Bericht 376601)
Margo wrote it some time ago, so I'm only repeating: WD is not one entity

IMHO it's a matter of tools, obsolete tools give unmanagable sites. Nowadays, it's rather easy to build from scratch such a website using proper tools such Python + Django ;).

Rona 07-05-2011 06:59


Originally Posted by elf (Bericht 376615)
IMHO it's a matter of tools, obsolete tools give unmanagable sites. Nowadays, it's rather easy to build from scratch such a website using proper tools such Python + Django ;).

You're probably right :)

That's why I find it even more surprising why all those who regularly complain and grumble here have not created a better WOLFDOG BIS project yet :p:roll:

martiou07 07-05-2011 14:43

Pedro, I understand your remarks, I know that much people shares your opinion.

You know that me also I would like to see all the results of Doubayh on the database ;).They will be there.

Now it is necessary to be patient…. Wolfdog is the site of reference on the race,the problems currently, is true, but it is necessary to keep hope on the rebuilding…. ;)

pedrocalle 11-05-2011 14:16

I am grateful for your words Martial but the answers that are given do not convince me, I´m sorry !!!

There are many people who thinks like I and who is not satisfied.

First and that remains clear, that I am a lover of the web until to begun to giving problems

In the answers always one refers to them same, and more and more....
It seems that I have not explained well.


The gentleman "A" sends information of his dog and of an expo. In WD it does not appear at all because there are problems of web, is torn. OK

The gentleman "B" sends information of his dog and of an expo. In WD they say to him that it does not appear at all because the web is changing. OK

The gentleman "C" sends information of another expo where his dog appears. IN WD it does not appear at all for lack of time, persons, etc. OK

BUT , the gentleman "D" sends the information of his dog and of his expo. In WD it appears to the instant. For him there is no problem ever. For his dog the information is updated always.


I believe that I have been very clear.

Hanka 11-05-2011 18:29

I am worry it is slow dead of wolfdog.org- what is sad.....

Rona 11-05-2011 19:18


Originally Posted by Hanka (Bericht 377300)
I am worry it is slow dead of wolfdog.org- what is sad.....

It seems now Margo hadn't been such a bad Admin, after all.:rock_3 I keep repeating things can always get worse... :twisted: :lol:

Morian 11-05-2011 19:50

i wonder how people which use wolfdog (even now, expressing their discontent) can't be satisfied by its work :lol: you must be thankful to margo and other persons working here for free and giving us possibility to use database and meet here on this forum. if you're too proud to say thanks, then please calm down and wait quietly until the site will work normally again.

pedrocalle 11-05-2011 22:16

Why constant do they allude to another topic? Why do they try to put in my mouth what I do not say?

Perhaps, since it is in the habit of happening, that he thinks otherwise already is it bad?

Nothing has that to see the effort and what means the page with the fact that the things are done well or badly. Neither with the fact that only a minority (not if you will be in her) benefits from all this.

I go approximately 7 years RECOMMENDING web this one all the people, do not I have right to be disappointed by the result that I see?

wolfin 11-05-2011 22:37


Originally Posted by pedrocalle (Bericht 377358)

I go approximately 7 years RECOMMENDING web this one all the people, do not I have right to be disappointed by the result that I see?

hmm... too litle strange :) right = recommending :) for my this not same :)
I understand when people who realy work have disappointed, but now :)
I work like admin, I make lithuanian site, translate all info to ours language, but NOT FEEL disappointing for this who now are.
problem is problem who be fixed in future and end. If not like situation or moore "politics" no problem all people are free and CAN make NEW and BETTER site about wolfdog.

true or not?

Shadowlands 12-05-2011 08:15


Originally Posted by wolfin (Bericht 377362)

true or not?

Very true, but it is too much work for most or they don't understand just how much work is involved. Keep up the good work admin and we must all have faith and patience that the site will, once again, have all it's features. For the moment, put in your requests - but understand that some prioritisation must take place if admin are not to become swamped - and be patient; all will be done in time. I, like many, am waiting for information etc to be updated but continually pestering and harrassing those trying to fix the site will not get my requests done any faster (maybe it will move them down in priority because I am too impatient, I know that if I was in their position this would happen :twisted:)

So please, everyone, give admin a break, or go off and design and build AND MAINTAIN (that's the really hard bit!) your own WD site.

"all good things come to those who wait" (to quote my Mum and whoever originally said it)

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