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And it do not wonder me a lot since I see how users like Hanka are attacking everybody who is still prepared to help us (getting no money for their job). Do you think that you will be able to find a person fro Czech Republic who will work FOR YOU (by adding results of your dogs and your litter advertising) and getting later as "thank you" only insults? Do you think someone will try do be Czech moderator to be later attacked on this forum? I really doubt. |
Second: if you know a kennel which is cheating the pedigrees and using two fathers for one litter (one put in the papers and one fake) than just write it here or send me a private email. |
Your litters were banned before any "mixes wars" started here. More: your were banned from Wolfdog already several times before. The problem was our communication - every time you had the litters and you send the ads your were starting the mess on the English form that it takes to long till them appear. But after the puppies were sold there was no contact with you. I was sending many emails and I was waiting sometimes half(!) year till I get anything from you. Usually I was able to complete the data first where you had new puppies for sale (and I was writing you that I will not post new ads till you will not give me the old missing information). Our so called "cooperation" finished when you send me several litters ads and you told you will not give old missig information. It is true what you write - Wolfdog base on cooperation with owners and breeders. In this case it was YOU who broke the rule. Wolfdog is not a market place for selling the puppies but web page offering information about Wolfdogs. We will post any ads but only of kennels who help us to maintain this page. I think it is the fair case. |
Mohu mít prosbu, můžete psát česky?( sme na českém foru) aby sme zas něco špatně nepochopili? a SAW je původně sice americký vlk s NO , dnes to je aleuznané plemeno v rámci FCI, tzn že Mutay byli F1 z křížení vlka se psem. Nemůžete takovéhleho křížence nazývat jménem plemene. To je věc, kterou by odborníci měli vědět. ;)
Short: Mutara are similar cross to Saarlooos. They have 0% blood of CsW. Italian Mutaras are Saarloos x CsW crosses - they can easily be registered as pure Saarloos because there are already Saarloos dogs in France and Holland which are such crosses. And they are accepted. But they should be not registered as Czechoslovakian Wolfdogs because they re not CsW. |
Evidentně je OBROVSKEJ problem prohnat příspěvek alespoň přes google translator, když už se bavíme na ČESKÉM fóru ČESKO-slovenského plemene. S ČESKÝMI chovateli. S takovým přístupem...
Toto je soukromý server, tak si říkám, proč tolik energie vynakládat na rozčilování se, že jakýsi soukromý server, beroucí informace do databáze bůhví odkud, nefunguje, cenzuruje atd., proč se ta energie radši nevloží do klubového serveru. Nejsem IT tip, ale nechce se mi věřit, že by se mezi členy nenašel někdo ochotný ten klubový server trochu rozhýbat..
Ahoj, mohl by prosím Admin, když už si vše ověřuje udělat to samé i u výsledků výstav? 5.2.2012 DUOCACIB Brno vyhrál třídu otevřenou s hodnocením V1 CAC Aschere Sirius Black Tajemný přelud....Ziggy Lee sice měl taky V1 CAC, ale v mezitřídě....Ještě dnes opíšu výsledky ze stránek ČMKU a zašlu meilem...
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